13 - high infidelity

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(Bon appétit😈)

After the show everyone packed up from the hotel room and left for the air port.

"What should I tell him?" Gracie asked as they walked to there gate. Abby and Audrey had to wait an hour longer for there flight so the girls decided to stay with them for a bit longer. Blakely asked if they wanted to come as well, both disagreeing a bit to quick.

"Maybe that you have family issues?" Audrey shrugged

"Wait doesn't he have your dads number though?" Abby asked Gracie

"Shoot yeah." Gracie liked the idea at first.

"You want to spend quality time with weenie?" Abby said. All the girls laughed.

"He wouldn't buy that. Though it is true" gracie smiled

"What about recording music? Isn't long pond in New York anyway?" Blakely blurred out as they made it to the gate

"Oh shit yeah that works perfect!" Abby began " and it's not like your lying either. You'll be in New York and you are always working on music. Only fib is that you will won't be at long pond"

"Yeah that does work really good actually. Smart thinking Blake." Gracie bumped her hip into the taller girls leg

"Thanks." She said proud of her self. Gracie texted Hayes, telling him about Long Pond and wanting to stay until the Denver show next week. He simply said ok. No questions asked. The girls celebrated quietly at the airport, stopping at a store and grabbing some pickles as a reward for smart thinking. Soon enough, Blakely and Gracie had to board there plane, saying their goodbyes to the other girls. After a quickish plane ride they landed in NYC.

Now, here Gracie and Blakely sat, sprawled on the couch watching SpongeBob.

"What's your favorite TV show?" Gracie asked, blakelys head was in her lap.

"Mmm well I really liked Pretty Little Liers when I was little. I still do. I don't watch much TV shows though." Blakely answered casually.

"But, you're and actress." Gracie pointed out "and your first big role was for a TV show."

"I know, I just don't have the patience I guess." Blakely closed her eyes, Gracies fingers gently massaging her scalp.

"So you've never watched Grey's Anatomy?"

"Nope." Blakely popped the p at the same end of her sentence

"Don't let Taylor know that." Both girls laughed, Blakely nodded in agreement

"Oh I won't."

"Do you have wine?" Gracie suddenly asked

"Red or white?"

"Red." Blakely pulled herself away from Gracie, it was difficult, and made her way to the kitchen. Gracie followed after, hopping up into the counter, criss crossing her legs. Blakely got them both a glass and poured a bit too much in both.

"Thank you" gracie took the glass from blakelys hand as she passed it too her. Blakely just smiled up at her, sipping her wine as she looked at the girl.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Blakely asked, already having an idea.

"Not sure" Gracie shrugged

"Would you want to go to Coney Island?" Gracie's eyes lit up and she nodded quickly

"Oh my god yes, that would be so fucking fun."

"Ok let's do it then. What about tonight?"

"Mmm, we could watch a movie?" Gracie suggested

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