19 - if he found us out

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TW: slight sexual contact

Gracie woke to light kisses being pressed to her neck. A small groan left her lips

"Baby... wake up." Blakely whispered against her skin

"No" Gracie wined

"Yes, wake up." Blakelys voice was still raspy, her fingers traced lines on Gracie's bare stomach

"No, you wore me out." Gracie groaned, her eyes refusing to open. Blakely kissed along the girls jaw, laughing lightly.

"Yeah well you wore me out right from the start. I liked that side of you by the way." The blonde woman pulled back, looking at the girl. Gracie opened one eye just to slightest, smirking.

"Let me sleep for a little longer and I'll do it again" Gracie offered before closing her eye once again. Blakely didn't say anything she just laid back down, Gracie rolled onto blakelys chest, her face tucked into her neck. A happy sigh left Gracie's lips "thank you."

"Mhmm." Was all Blakely could get out. Warm light was pouring in through the window of Gracie's home onto the girls. A sheet covered there body. Light chatter from Abby and Audrey was muffled by the locked door. The sound of soft breathing and birds chirping outside was louder than the two girls outside of the room. The pair laid there for a while, just being with each other.

Gracie attempted to fall back to sleep but it wasn't working, so after laying in silence for 20 Gracie pushed her head up, her nose squished against blakelys cheek bone. She opened her mouth, her teeth gently biting the younger girls cheek

"I thought you were sleeping" Blakely asked, staying still, letting Gracie do what she wanted

Gracie pulled back from the girls cheek "I'm too awake to go back to sleep."

Blakley shifted under the sheets so that she could lay on her side, facing her lover. Gracie scooted closer to the girl, their faces centimeters apart. The singer stuck her tongue out and licked the girls nose. Blakely scrunched her nose up, chucking lightly

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow night, I have to be Atlanta for a few days. Film stuff you know." Blakely spoke as gracie pushed hair from her face. Her cold fingers traced the actresses cheek bone down to her jaw.

"Are you coming this weekend?" Gracie whispered, her eyes watching her fingers move along blakleys face

"I really want to."

"You know, I'm going on a European tour after the LA shows. Do you maybe think, you could come with me?" Hope filled Gracie's eyes "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to but-"

Blakley pressed a kiss to Gracie's lips, stopping her from rambling. "I'll do everything in my power to be there for you Gracie." The brunette girl smiled brightly. "You know, I've got the premier for hunger games in November. Maybe, you could come?"

A big smile grew on Gracie's face. "You want me to come?"

"Of course I do. You mean everything to be Gracie. And it would mean a lot for you to be by my side." Gracie nodded, she leaned in and began to pepper the girls face with kisses

"I hope you know you mean everything to me too."  She said between kisses, finally landing on her lips. Blakely kissed her back despite the smile on her face.

Gracie straddled the younger, sitting on her bare hips. Blakleys fingers laced through Gracie's short hair. They made out for a bit, getting caught up on the moment. Finally pulling away when they needed air. Gracie sat up, the sheets falling off her body. Blakely smiled as she dragged her hands down Gracie's torso.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now