08 - to get to you

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"Are you positive you'll be fine on your own?" Boston asked his sister, standing at the door of her apartment with a suitcase and backpack. He had to head back to LA. Boston had grown close to a singer named Renee Rapp. The two had made plans to work on music together this week.

Blakely I'm the other hand, stood in the hall, nearly all color faded from her skin. Her eyes were sunken and struggling to stay fully open. Her hood was over her head, her body swaying lightly even as she stood still.

"I'll be fine Boa. You go make music." She spoke slowly. Her voice coming out deep and raspy. Weak. She had woken up in the middle of the night just a day ago. A migraine sat right between her eyes. Drainage was making her throat dry and sore. After a quick trip to a doctor, she found out she had a sinus infection. With the proper rest she would be good in under a week.

"Ok, just call if you need anything and I'll fly right back out here. Please take it easy." Boston had been kicked into big brother mode, taking care of his sister.

"I will, thanks boa." She groggily answered him, hugging him softly.

"Of course. Remember to take your medicine, go back to sleep. I'll text you when I land." Boston instructed, pulling away from the hug and gathering his things

"I will. Thank you." She said once more

"I love you, see you soon." Boston stepped out the door

"I love you too." She smiled as best as she could before he closed the door gently.

Blakely grabbed her phone and through squinted eyes looked at the time. It was nearing the time Gracie would be going on stage. Slowly Blakely walked back to her room.


Break a leg tonight Gray!
I'm so proud of you, wish
I could be there in person
but I'll be watching on a

My Gracie girl
Thank you so much Blake
you are the sweetest. I'll
call you when I get off and
tell you all about it.

I can't wait 🫶🏻


Sunshine☀️ loved a message

Gracie smile down at her phone as Abby walked into the room, a smile on her face.

"Look what just came." She said holding two bouquets of flowers. Both had beautiful pink and white flowers. One was slightly bigger than the other. Gracie furrowed her brows.

"Did Hayes send this?" Her voice was lined with hope but dropped when Abby shook her head no. Yet still a smile covered the photographers face

"Nope, dare I say better?" Abby said as she handed off the flowers to Gracie. Just when the singer was going to ask who they were from again, she spotted a small white card mixed in with the flowers. Gracie pulled the small note out and opened it. Her face flushed red and butterflies whirled through her body, the feeling only growing more as she read it.

My Gracie girl! Since I couldn't make it tonight I sent you some flowers that were almost as beautiful as you. I just know you will do fantastic tonight. Break a leg pretty girl
<3 Blakely

Gracie looked up with a dope smile on her face. "And she sent you one too?"

"Yup, and Taylor. My card said "Stabby Abby! Sorry I couldn't keep you company during Gracie's set tonight, I hope these flowers make up for it. Good luck tonight, I hope you have fun. Can't wait to see your gorgeous photos of our gorgeous Gracie girl." Abby spoke, when she looked up and met Gracie's eyes she smiled. The older girl might as well have had big red hearts for eyes.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now