03 - tuesday, in a café

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THE STREETS buzzed with early morning noise, a mix of chatter, birds and car horns filled the streets. Blakely stood out front of a café called Bluestone Lane Tribeca Café. After Gracie had left the party, this girls had been texting non stop. It started off with what café they should go to before turning to conversation about anything and everything. Blakely had given Gracie a few options on where to eat and the singer had went with this one. So here stood Blakely, ten minutes earlier than the time they originally planned, waiting outside the café.

Gracie walked down the block, looking at her phone before looking up to the café, her eyes instantly landing on the tall blonde girl that stood and waited. Obviously Blakely had spotted Gracie, so she straightened up and waved gently, a warm smile covering her face.

"Hey Gracie! Good morning." Blakely said with a smile as soon as the brunette was close enough for her to hear.

"Good morning" Gracie smiled back just as Blakely stepped forward and opened the door.

"After you" Blakely took a step to the side, letting the Abrams girl go in first, she mumbled a light thank you, to which the blonde said of course. Blakely followed closely after Gracie. The two getting in line and quickly ordering their food. After a bit of bickering, Blakely paid for the both of them.

"I'll pay next time then" Gracie huffed while Blakely put her card away and smiled.

"No you won't" she simply answered. Gracie rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile.

"Where do we sit?" The singer asked, looking over her shoulder, and up to Blakely.

"Where ever you want, though I normally sit by the window." She gestured to the more closed off part of the cafe, just around the corner.

"Let's do that then." Gracie said with a small grin as they made there way over to the bar type table. Blakely grabbed the bottom of the stools and pulled them both out. Gracie, smiled and mumbled a thank you once again to the girl as they settled down.

"I drove my car, so if it's fine with you we can drive around a bit after we get done here. At least to get to the further away places." Blakely began "I thought it would be nicer to drive in a convertible rather than an SUV"

"That sounds perfect actually. Weenie would have loved that." Gracie said with a small laugh as a waiter appeared behind them with their food.

"Weenies your pup right?" Blakely asked as she took her plate from the waiter, thanking him.

"Yeah he is" Gracie said while doing the same as Blakely.

"Where is he?" Blakely asked as she cut into her dip egg, breaking the yoke and dipped her toast in

"He's staying with my parents right now." Gracie answered before laughing lightly while taking a bite from her own breakfast. "You know it's so funny. Every time I leave him he thinks I die" Blakely furrowed her brows and looked at the girl with a smile

"Oh that poor dog" she responded while letting out a small laugh if her own

"Oh he gets spoiled. I swear that dog had the best life whether I'm with him or not" she grins while thinking about her dog. "I'm going to see him soon, I've gotten a lot of stuff for him from fans at the tour. A few outfits but they are so small. He's a lot bigger than they think." She added before taking another bite

"Assuming from his name he's a weenier dog right?" Blakely asked

"He's a half. He's got golden retriever in him too" Gracie smiled and pulled out her phone, clicking into her photos.

"Oh goldens are so sweet" Blakely said as Gracie clicked on an album in her photos labeled 'ween'

"They are, but ween is even sweeter, you'll have to meet him, he would love you" Gracie said while showing Blakely photos of her dog. Some just of him. Others of the two cuddling or going for a walk. Hundreds of photos filled the album. Blakely thought every photo was adorable.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now