16 - cut all my hair last night

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After a long day of standing in a tailor, being fitted for a beautiful custom dress, Blakely was finally home. Boston was back in New York. He ended up staying in LA to finish Renee Rapps Album. As soon as he came through the door, he was bouncing off the wall with the exciting news that he was going to open for her show once she began touring.

Blakely on the other hand, had exciting news of her own that she needed to share with her brother, but the blonde was waiting for the right time to tell him.

Currently, the pair sat in the living room, snacks in hand, watching Megamind.

"How was the show with Gracie? You went to the last two weekends?" Boston suddenly asked, shoving a hand full of popcorn into his mouth.

"Really good actually. We came here in between shows." Blakelys mind flooded with the memories of the past few days.

"Oh that's cool. I assume Abby and Audrey came too?" His words were mumbled from the food while he turned his body to face Blakely.

"No it was just us." Blakely looked at Boston, a smile covering her face.

"Oh so I take it went good?" The boys brows were raised, Blakely nodded quickly

"Yeah. Actually we-" before the girl could finish. Her phone started buzzing. A picture of Gracie in bed with covers up to her chest, a dope smile covering the singers face, flashed her screen. The contact name read 'My Girl Gracie❤️‍🔥'

"Speaking of the devil." Boston huffed, wanting to know right that very moment what happened. However Blakely was to busy answering the phone as quickly as she could.

"Hey Gray." Blakely said as soon as the phone was to he ear.

"Hey Baby. Um can I face time you?" There was a nervousness behind her voice

"Baby?" Boston whispered to himself

"Yeah that's fine." Blakely pulled the phone away, the request to face time already had been sent through. When the screen flashed on, the phone was pointed to the ceiling "um, Gracie?"

"Hold on I'm trying to make it look good." Bostons attention turned form the screen. His eyes slowly shifting to look at his sister. Blakely stood up quickly.

"Gracie I'm with Boston." The words rushed out of blakelys mouth.

"Ok?" Confusion lingered in Gracie voice before she realized how it sounded. The singer grabbed the camera the top of her head and eyes popping into the frame "Blakely. Stop. I'm not trying to fuck you over the phone."

"WHAT?" Bostons eyes just about popped out, his head whipped around to look at Blakely.

"Hush Boston. Ok what is it that you are doing then?" Blakely plopped down on the couch, Boston tried to ask what happened but Blakely shoved her hand into his face

"Promise you won't be mad." She raised her pinky into the frame

"I won't be mad?" Blakely questioned

"Just promise you won't because I really like it." Gracie almost begged.

"Babe, if you like whatever it is then I will too. I could never be mad at you for something you like." Blakely tried her best to comfort the girl even though she was blind to whatever it was Gracie was talking about

"Babe?!" Boston echoed in the background.

Gracie moved the phone back, showing her whole face. Her hair was copper, cut just above her shoulders. It was wet, like she had just gotten out of the shower.

Everything I've wanted  ☆  Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now