18. Mystery behind the accident

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Note : - English is not my first language and I'm not too good in english. So this update has a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So please avoid the grammatical mistakes.🥲

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Umm! So before starting today's chapter, i need to have a word with you guys! Actually, Do not forget to read the Writer's Note at the end of the chapter. To read the next chapter, it is necessary to read the Writer's Note. Thank you and lots of love to you angels! ❤️

Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no. 18 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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Niskarsh's Sedan car arrived and stopped in front of the villa. Sharnya and Niskarsh get down from the car and come inside the villa. Sharnya was looking lost somewhere and Niskarsh was noticing this. He said softly, "Princess!"

It was as if Sharnya did not hear him at all. She kept moving forward without saying anything. Niskarsh, following her, had come in front of her room by now. This time he said in a loud voice, "Sharnyaaa!"

Sharnya suddenly turned back and said, "Yeah?"

Niskarsh, "Where are you lost?"

Sharnya stood at the door of the room and said, "Mmmm… nowhere. What are you doing here?"

Niskarsh, "I called you many times and you are not listening to me. You are lost in your own thoughts."

Sharnya tried to close the door of the room and said, "Umm, I am feeling sleepy. I want to sleep for a while. You can go."

Before Sharnya could lock the room from inside, Niskarsh pushed the door open and said in a serious tone, "Hmm? So now you'll close the door on me."

Sharnya backed away and said moving out of his way, "Not at all. This whole villa is yours, this room is also yours and this world is yours, who am I to say anything?"

Niskarsh was now getting angry on Sharnya. One, he was trying to talk to her for a long time, and on the other, there was Sharnya, who was behaving like this with him. He could not understand what happened to Sharnya all of a sudden. Right now she was absolutely fine in the office. He now angrily shouted at her, "What happened to you?"

Sharnya moving towards the washroom, said irritatedly, "Look, this time also you are just shouting, like you were shouting in the car before we reached the company a while ago. You only know how to shout, Niskarsh Bedi!"

At this point, Sharnya's back was towards Niskarsh. But seeing the change in her voice, he felt that Sharnya is going to cry any moment now. He took a deep breath and tried to control his anger. Sharnya had opened the door of the washroom. But before she could go inside the washroom, Niskarsh rushed forward and caught Sharnya in his arms from behind. Sharnya could not recover from this sudden act and remained numb. Niskarsh, resting his chin on her shoulder, he said, "Don't you dare to cry, my Crybaby!"

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