30. Tears

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Note : - English is not my first language and I'm not too good in english. So this update has a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So please avoid the grammatical mistakes.🥲

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no. 30 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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After dinner, Sharanya was lying on the bed in her room and reading a novel. Niskarsh was sitting there on the nearby couch, doing some work on his laptop. Whatever had happened to Sharanya just a short while ago was still lingering in her mind. She could not understand what was happening to her? Is she feeling good? Or is she feeling bad? Whenever she thought about those moments, her face would turn completely red. She starts blushing. She felt nervous. Her body would shudder. She was still unable to understand the storm of countless emotions going on inside her. She was not aware of the feelings growing within her for Niskarsh.

Sharanya was not able to sleep. Now she had got used to Niskrash's arms. Every night, unless he came to her, Sharanya had trouble sleeping. Sometimes even when she would get light sleep, she would start having the same nightmares and she would suddenly wake up from sleep. However, this had reduced to a great extent now as Niskrash wouldn't leave her alone and Sharanya would also keep herself busy till his arrival.

Sharanya looked at the clock and saw that it was already ten o'clock at night and looking at Niskarsh, it didn't look at all like he was going to sleep early today. She closed her book and kept it there on the side table. Then she took off her glasses and lay down on the bed.

It was quite late, but sleep was still far away from her eyes. She would turn again and again, look at Niskarsh and then turn her face back to the other side. Niskarsh was also able to see her doing this. He knew that Sharanya wouldn't be able to sleep until he went to bed. He was trying to complete his work as soon as possible. Finally after half an hour, Sharanya got up and went and stood in front of Niskarsh. He looked at her and said, "What happened, Lavender?"

Sharanya felt a little embarrassed and said, “Umm… I… I can't sleep.”

Niskarsh asked, "Hmm. Why?"

Sharanya pouted and said, "How long are you going to sleep? Because I'm sleepy."

Just a while ago, Sharanya had said that she was not able to sleep and now she was saying that she is feeling sleepy. Niskarsh didn't understand her words and said, "What are you trying to say, Princess? You can't sleep, you're sleepy. Just now you said that you are not able to sleep and now suddenly it started coming?"

Sharanya was not able to say what she wanted to say to him due to her shyness and Niskarsh was not able to understand her. She said getting irritated, "I mean, I feel sleepy but I can't sleep. And I can't sleep because… now… b… because I've got used to you. I can't sleep without you."

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