129. Forget everything !!

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Thank you for keeping patience, Lovelies! Love uhh ❤️

QOTD : "Car guy or Biker Guy?"

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Sharanya was understanding Shrida's sadness, and she also knew that Shrida was probably hurt, so she did not stop her. Shrida came to the balcony from there. The entire Mumbai city was visible shining from the balcony. There was only light everywhere. She wanted to get a moment of peace for herself from this hectic life. Just for herself. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. As soon as she closed her eyes, a scene started replaying before Shrida's eyes.


Flashback Starts:

Her mom and dad were fighting. Shrida's mom's loud voice was heard, "Retirement so soon? Don't you think you need to work more? We need money. We have a daughter, we have to get her married."

Shrida's father said irritably, "Exactly. She is a girl. If there had been a son in place of this daughter, I would not have had to think twice before taking retirement. He would have been able to take care of the house and take care of his old father. Even here... we educated this girl, made her worthy and then sent her to someone else's house. This girl can't even bear our responsibilities. I wish we had a son instead of a daughter. But you couldn't even give me a son."

Fifteen year old Shrida heard just this while hiding behind the door. Hearing the words that came out of her father's tongue, little Shrida ran to her room crying. She cried and said, "Papa... Papa wanted a son, not a daughter. And... and I am a daughter, no? Means... Papa doesn't want me. He doesn't love me. I am of no use to him. No. Papa... wanted a son... Papa..."

Meanwhile her mother knocked at her door. Seeing Shrida crying, her mom immediately came to her and hugged her and said, "Beta! Don't speak like that. Your Papa loves you very much. He...he is angry right now, isn't he? That's why he said so."

Shrida had not stopped crying yet. She said, "No Mummy! Papa wanted a son. Papa doesn't love me."

Shrida's mom separated from her and wiped her tears and said, "If your Papa wanted a son, then you become a son, Shrida! You share the responsibilities of your father. Whatever he said about having a son, do those things. Prove him wrong. And being a daughter, you took up the responsibilities of a son."

Flashback ends.


Shrida opened her eyes. She still remembered that night, the night she had suddenly grown up. Little Shrida had decided that she had to become the son of her family and prove her father wrong. She didn't want to make her father feel that he had not done anything regrettable by giving birth to a daughter instead of a son. Rather she wanted to make her father feel proud. And then Shrida never looked back towards her childhood. The little girl became mature in the blink of an eye. She joined Eternity at the age of twenty, which was a huge achievement. And she did all this with her hard work and dedication.

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