33. Mysterious House

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies!❤️ Hope you are doing well and enjoying this novel. Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no. 33 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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Soon it became evening. It was six in the evening. Today Sharanya had left the office early. She had just come to the parking area below the office building when her eyes fell on two people coming out of the parking area. Seeing them, Sharanya remembered that these were the same people whom she had seen just a few days ago in the same parking area. Sharanya saw that those people appeared to be in a hurry. Before she could understand anything, both of them had left from there.

Sharanya had felt something wrong that day also and even today she was feeling the same. Seeing these people, she was not getting some good vibes. Then the thought of that old house came to her mind, which was built behind the office building, where these people had gone that day. That day Sharanya had also followed them, but Abhimaan had stopped her. Now she felt as if there was something in that house, which was a big secret. And to which Abhimaan is attached. She said in her mind, "Maybe, there is a secret inside that house, due to which so much money was suddenly credited to Abhimaan's accounts. But what is there in that house? Drugs or something? May be, because Abhimaan Bedi is so dangerous."

It also came to Sharanya's mind that at present Abhimaan has gone out of Mumbai for two days in connection with a meeting. And all these people have also left here. So this is the perfect time to go to that house and see if something is there at all? Maybe she'll find some evidence against Abhimaan. Thinking all this, Sharanya increased her steps in that direction. She had come to the back of the building, going through the parking area. The old house built in front was visible from this side of the road. Sharanya crossed the road and went to the other side. After crossing the road, she had to walk a short distance in the forest to reach that house. Although it was not much inside, so Sharanya was slowly moving towards that house, looking around carefully. Then her foot got tangled in something and she was about to fall, but she caught hold of a tree in front of her. A suppressed scream came out of Sharanya's mouth, "Ouch…!"

When she looked back, she found that some wires were lying on which her feet was tangled. Well, she was not hurt so she went ahead. When she reached near that house, she found that the door was locked. What should she do now? How to get inside? If she breaks the lock and goes inside, then those people will know that someone had come here. She started thinking how to go inside the house without breaking the lock. She went round the house but apart from that door, there was no window or other door in that house.


Here, Abhimaan was at his hotel at this time. As soon as he came out of the washroom after taking a bath, an alert message came on his phone. Abhimaan saw that message and turned on the screen of his phone in panic. After running his fingers on the phone for a while, live footage of the same old house outside turned on its screen. When he saw Maanvi there, his eyes widened. He immediately called his guards and shouted at them, "You guys! One thing is not done properly with you people. I just asked you to keep an eye on that house, this also did not happen. Am I giving you unnecessary money?"

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