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As soon as Niskarsh said that Vihu was in Delhi, Sharanya started feeling uneasy. She said to Niskarsh, "Naksh! That day… that day in the office… Daivik mentioned Vaidehi's name. Could… could she be our Vihu?"

Niskarsh thought for a moment and said, "Umm… maybe. But we’re not sure, right? I've got my men working on it. They’re going to visit the place tomorrow where your chacha chachi live."

Sharanya immediately said, "Naksh! Can I go with them? Maybe… maybe we can find Vihu tomorrow itself."

Niskarsh quickly refused, "Are you crazy, Jaan? You want to go there in this condition?"

Sharanya was extremely anxious at that moment. She said, "Yes, why not?"

Niskarsh, "No. You’re not going anywhere. I said I will find Vihu and bring her to you. Trust me."

Tears welled up in Sharanya’s eyes. She said, "Naksh! Please, bring my Vihu to me soon. I’ve already made a huge mistake by leaving her alone. I can’t stay away from her any longer. I need my Vihu, Naksh! Please bring her back."

Seeing Sharanya panic, Niskarsh immediately held her in his arms. Running his fingers through her hair, he said, "Shh…, princess! I will bring her back. I will find our Vihu as soon as possible. Trust me. Vihu will be with us soon."

Sharanya tightly clutched Niskarsh's T-shirt and, sobbing, said, "Today… today Vihu is away from me because of me. I left her alone. I didn’t think about her. I ran away because I only thought about myself. I… I pushed her away. I…"

Niskarsh interrupted her, cupping her face in his hands, "Sharanya! Calm down. It’s not your fault. How old were you, huh? How could you have thought about all this? You were a child yourself. How could you take responsibility for another child? Stop blaming yourself. Everything is destiny. Your mom… whatever she was, it wasn’t your fault or your sister’s. It was just bad luck that you got such a mother. My dad, it was my bad luck. Neither my mom nor I was at fault. Everything is destiny, Jaan! We can’t fight against destiny. Neither could I, nor could you, and neither could your sister. It’s no one’s fault. So accept reality and stop blaming yourself."

Sharanya leaned back into Niskarsh's chest and said, "Until I find Vihu and apologize to her, I won’t be able to forgive myself."

This time Niskarsh said nothing because he knew that Sharanya had been carrying this guilt for many years. It wasn’t going to be resolved easily. Not until they found Vaidehi. Niskarsh softly said, "I will bring that day soon, Lavender!"

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