75. Neck Kiss

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Next chapter will be after 9 tonight 🥲

3200+ Words.

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Note : - English is not my first language and I'm not too good in english. So this update has a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So please avoid the grammatical mistakes.🥲

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by Chapter no. 75 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lot of love like previous chapters.

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By the time Niskarsh came into the room, Sharanya was already asleep or rather she did not want to talk to him right now, so she had switched off the lights and kept her eyes closed. Niskarsh understood that Sharanya is a little disturbed due to the incident that happened a while ago. And it will take some more time for her to become normal. But still Niskarsh tried to talk to her, but Sharanya did not respond. So he didn't bother her any more and he pulled her into his arms and fell asleep.

The next morning, Sharanya woke up. And even today, like always, she was in Niskarsh's arms. She raised her eyelids and looked at his sleeping face and a smile spread on her lips. He looked so peaceful and innocent while sleeping. Niskarsh's hair had fallen on his face and he was looking even more attractive. Sharanya extended her hand and moved his hair away from his face and said to herself, "I didn't want to be angry at you. I don't know what happened to me yesterday? All those things, those scenes are not going away from my eyes. Who was that man? What type was he? Was he really your friend or not? I am unable to understand. I took out all that person's anger on you. Even slapped you."

Then Sharanya caressed the same cheek of Niskarsh, on which she had slapped him last night. She murmured softly, "I'm sorry, Husband!"

After staring at his face like this for a while, Sharanya got up from the bed and went towards the washroom. After a while, Niskarsh dawned in sleep. Sharanya was not feeling around him. He opened his eyes slightly and looked around the room. He saw Sharanya getting ready near the mirror. By now she was completely dressed and was now just applying perfume. Today she was wearing dark purple colored pants with a satin white shirt. She was wearing a watch in her hands and small earrings in her ears. Today she had tied her hair in a low pony, some of which curls were hanging on her face. She was wearing nude colored lipstick on her lips. The mangalsutra worn around the neck was clearly visible and the red vermillion on her hairline was visible from a distance.

Niskarsh wake up and sat in his place. He said like a child, "Jaan! Are you still angry?"

At this time Niskrash's sleepy voice was making a very sexy sound. At first Sharanya thought that she should talk to him. Apologize to him for her actions yesterday. But then a thought came to her mind. Right now she is angry with him, which means Niskarsh will persuade her now. And she can make him agree to many things. So thinking all this, she remained silent. She did not answer his question.

Sharanya was about to leave the room, when Niskarsh immediately got down from the bed and before she could reach the door, he caught her from behind. Sharanya tried hard to free herself from his arms. But Niskarsh held her firmly. He said, "Jaan, please! Please, don't do this. Tell me, what is my fault? Why are you angry with me?"

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