144. Video call

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Niskarsh said to Sharanya, "No dear! If you don't want me to, I won't go far from you. Anyway, those money matters don't mean anything to me. For your happiness, I can handle even bigger losses."

Sharanya immediately responded, "Shut up, Naksh! Whether it's one thousand or one crore, money matters. And we don't disrespect wealth. When we respect wealth, wealth gives us happiness."

Niskarsh held Sharanya's face in his hands and said, "But my happiness is crying over the news of me going away from her, isn't she? Then what will I do with that happiness?"

Hearing Niskarsh's words, Sharanya wiped her tears and said, "No, not at all. I'm not crying. You will go, and you will definitely go. Besides, it's just a matter of one week."

Niskarsh smiled and said, "As you order, your royal highness!"

Sharanya also smiled. She asked, "When do you have to leave?"

Niskarsh, with a hint of sadness, said, "Early Saturday morning."

Sharanya, upon hearing this, felt even more upset. There were only two days left until Saturday. But she didn't let her emotions show on her face. She said, "Okay. You go and finish your work quickly, then come back."

Niskarsh kissed her forehead and said, "Hmm."

Two days passed by quickly. Today, Niskarsh had to go to Mumbai. Sharanya had been feeling low since the morning. Niskarsh's packing was almost done. Actually, Sharanya was sad because Naksh was going away from her, but on the other hand, she was also happy because Abir and Shrida were coming to Delhi today. She was going to meet them after two whole months. So, she was excited too. However, Abir and Shrida were coming by evening, and Niskarsh was leaving for Mumbai right now. So obviously, sadness was visible on his face. And Sharanya couldn't hide hers either. She was going out of the room and said, "I'll keep your luggage in the car from the dressing room. Come downstairs quickly, otherwise, you'll miss the flight."


As she started to leave the room, Niskarsh grabbed her dupatta from behind. Sharanya looked back and said, "Leave it, Naksh! Let me go."

Niskarsh knew Sharanya was upset. And if he left her in this mood, it would break his heart, and he would come back empty-handed. So he said, "Jaan!!!"

Hearing 'Jaan,' Sharanya closed her eyes. For the next week, there wouldn't be anyone in this house calling her 'Jaan.' Niskarsh slowly took Sharanya's dupatta in his hands and pulled her closer. However, Sharanya's back was facing Niskarsh. She still didn't turn towards him. Niskarsh whispered in her ears, "Let me hold you in my eyes, Jaan!"

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