135. Gift yourself

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Meanwhile, Sharanya and Niskarsh had landed at Delhi Airport. Daivik had already sent some of his staff to receive them. There were some bodyguards also. Niskarsh leaned towards Sharanya and said softly, "You go from here to the penthouse. I will come by evening."

Sharanya asked with surprise, "But… where are you going?"

Niskarsh said, "Company."

Sharanya did not ask any further questions and silently sat in the car. Niskarsh went there and sat in another car. Before leaving, he told the bodyguards, "Make sure Sharanya reaches home safely and she should not have any problem there too."

The bodyguard said, "Okay boss!"

Then his car left from there for Eternity. And Sharanya’s car for penthouse. Her face was sad. Because Niskarsh did not say anything to her while leaving. Didn't even say take care of yourself. How can he do this? She was still thinking all this when suddenly her phone started ringing. Sharanya looked at the phone screen and saw that Neer was calling her. As soon as Sharanya received the call, Neer's cute chirping voice reached her ears, "Oye hoye madam! Where are you? Have you reached the heart of India?"

Sharanya said with a sad face, "Yup. Reached."

Hearing Sharanya's tone, Neer understood that there was a problem. She asked, "What happened, Saru? Is everything okay?"

Sharanya said like a child, "Nothing is okay, Neer! Please… help me."

Neer said worriedly, "What happened? First tell me this."

Sharanya then told Neer everything that happened between her and Niskarsh since this morning. And now how Niskarsh is angry with her. When Neer heard the whole story, first of all she started laughing out loud. She said laughingly, "You…*laughing* You called Naksh jiju…*laughing* Naksh jiju an alpaca? *Laughing* Like seriously?"

Sharanya said getting irritated, "Arey yaar! I didn't speak on purpose. Had I not spoken at that time, I would have had to face Naksh's anger.I said whatever came to my mind at that time. And you… don't laugh. Give solution. It's been three hours already. He didn't talk to me."

Neer controlled her laughter with great difficulty and said, "First of all, no matter what you do, Jiju never gets angry with you. Secondly, you don't came out of a scandal and then already do another. And... third thing, you can’t live without talking to Jiju, no?"

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