56. You can kiss my duppata

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(Surprise surprise surprise Lovelies! Please send me Dher saaraa Pyaaarrrr.... I'm waiting.... ❤️)

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Note : - English is not my first language and I'm not too good in english. So this update has a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So please avoid the grammatical mistakes.🥲

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no. 56 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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Hearing her words, Niskarsh smiled. Finally, their relationship was back on the right track. But had the right track really arrived? Now there will be no problem in their relationship? Well, these are things for later. He immediately came to the bed and lay down hugging Sharanya. Sharanya's head was on Niskarsh's chest and she was playing with the buttons of his shirt. After moving her fingers around that button for a while, Sharanya said, "Naksh!"

Niskarsh, "Hmm."

Sharanya said a little hesitantly, "Ummm... I have also received an invitation for that event. So... are you... you? With me..."

Niskarsh stopped her midway and said, "Lavender! I have already told you. I am not going. I have taken this decision only for you. I do not want any danger to come to you. And now you won't argue with me. That's it. I'll change and come back."

Then he got up from there and went to the washroom without saying anything. Sharanya felt as if she resented him. Just now, everything was fine. She was spending such good moments with her husband. And by bringing this up at this moment, she again upset Niskarsh. What was the need for her to bring this up, when she knew that he had been shouted at her yesterday because of this very debate. Thinking all this, she became more upset.

After a while, Niskarsh came out of the washroom and going to the closet room, wore his clothes. Then he came back to the bed and lay down. But he did not pull Sharanya near him. Sharanya felt, Niskarsh got angry again. She herself came towards him and wrapped his arms around her waist and said, "I'm sorry. Did you feel bad?"

Niskarsh was very happy to see Sharanya taking steps towards himself. He took her in his arms, smiled, kissed her head from behind and said, "No. You can tell me whatever you want, whenever you want. You don't need to hesitate or think to share anything with me. And no, I don't feel bad about your words."

Sharanya also smiled after listening to him. Then she realized something. And her breathing stopped. What the hell? What is Niskarsh doing? Sharanya realized that Niskarsh's hand was moving inside her kurti, on her stomach. It was as if her voice had hanged itself around her neck. She was just staring at him with her eyes wide open. Oh God! She really made a mistake by coming here. With great difficulty she said, "This... this... you..."

Sharanya looked very cute like this. He liked when she would get nervous because of him, couldn't say anything, her face would turn red and she would start blushing without even blush. Niskarsh imitating her, he interrupted, "This... this... you... what are you doing, Naksh? This is what you want to say, isn't it, Wifey? I know."

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