24. I'm your Husband.

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no. 24 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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Next morning,

It was seven in the morning. Niskrash was awake by now. But the surprising thing was that Sharnya, who used to wake up early in the morning every day, was still sleeping soundly. Niskarsh was just looking at Sharnya. Till now all the things of last night were running in his mind like a movie. He just wanted to know everything from Sharnya now. All the things related to her past, why is she afraid of her mom? After all, what has her mom done to her that is causing her to have panic attacks and nightmares? He wanted to know the reason of her pain. At last Sharnya slowly opened her eyes. Today when she opened her eyes, she found that this is not Niskarsh's room, where she used to wake up every morning for so many days. She became very happy. But her happiness only lasted for a few moments. As she turned her head to the other side, her Devil was right next to her and was watching her all this time.

Sharnya widened her eyes in astonishment at Niskarsh and said, "You? What are you doing here?"

Niskarsh said in a flat tone, "Why? I can't be here?"

Sharnya said stutteringly, "Amm… you can… but… but yesterday I… I didn't even go to your room. So… so you…?"

Niskarsh interrupted, "You didn't come to my room last night because I was with you in your room.

Sharnya said in shock, "But why?"

Niskarsh, "Last night you were crying and screaming in your dreams. You even fainted. You were so sick that I had to call a doctor."

Sharnya was even more shocked now. She said with her eyes wide open, "What? How is this possible? You… you're lying. Right?"

Sharnya's words seemed strange to Niskarsh. He said, "I don't lie. Okay? And don't you… remember anything, Princess?"

Sharnya strained her mind and said, "Mmmm… no. I don't remember anything like that. I had dinner last night. Then I slept early because I was very tired and just woke up."

Now it was Niskarsh's turn to be surprised. Because so much had happened last night and Sharnya couldn't remember anything. How can this be possible?

He touched Sharnya's cheek and said softly, "Sharnya! Tell me one thing. Have you had any kind of nightmares before?"

Hearing Niskarsh's question, Sharnya's face turned pale. She stammered, moving her eyes here and there, "No… n… no. Why… why are you asking that?"

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