65. Don't you dare to touch my Husband

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(Happy morning meri jaan!❤️ The next two updates will be after 9 tonight 🙌)

2700+ Words.

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Note : - English is not my first language and I'm not too good in english. So this update has a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So please avoid the grammatical mistakes.🥲

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no.  65 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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Niskrash cast a glance at Shailesh ji and Abhimaan, who were looking at him and were probably burning in the fire of anger and hatred at this moment. Looking at them, a devilish smirk appeared on Niskarsh's lips. This is what he wanted. This is what he wanted to see the defeated faces. Hardly anyone else is getting more peace than him and  Sharanya at this time. Staring at them, he said devilishly, “Shailesh Bedi has broken all relations with me. Because, I, The Mad Eagle. Owner of a company like Eternity. had come back. to take. the rights. of his favorite son.. That's why I didn't break any relations. Perhaps those relationships were never formed."

Niskarsh said those lines in such a way that they sounded like an invisible slap on Shailesh Bedi's face. Seriously, as much as this thing was embarrassing for Shailesh Bedi, it was equally funny for the people of the world. Some reporters even started laughing. They further questioned, "Mad Eagle! But just now Mr. Bedi said that it is not like that. Both of you are staying away from home just to spend time alone. So is this a lie?"

Niskarsh posed a simple question, "So you think I'm lying?"

If only Niskarsh had been standing in front of them at this time and saying this, then perhaps the media people would have denied his words and would have believed the words of Shailesh Bedi. But at this moment, Mad Eagle was saying this. And no one could make the mistake of going against Mad Eagle. What Mad Eagle said is true. So they said, "No, no. We have full confidence in what you say."

The media people asked the next question, "Mad Eagle! Till now you were in the dark, but now suddenly you have brought out your identity. Should we all now believe that the lion has come out of his cave?"

Niskarsh took one look at Sharanya and said, “Absolutely. I am not a lion, I am a hawk. And people should now know that there is a hawk flying in the sky, which is keeping its eyes on them. One mistake, and the story ends. I don't even think twice about who is in front of me before I hunt."

He said this while staring at Shailesh ji and Abhimaan. The reporters now turned towards Sharanya and said, "Mrs. Maanvi! Did you marry Niskarsh Bedi just because you knew he was the Mad Eagle?"

Oops these reporters! Will not desist from their actions. Aren't they afraid of the Mad Eagle? Who are pointing fingers at his wife right in front of him. But Sharanya could handle all this on her own and Niskarsh also gave her complete freedom. He remained calm and allowed Sharanya to answer this question. Sharanya smiled and said, "Just a little while ago, you all were saying that I should not have brought my husband here, and now suddenly this question? You people even changed your behavior after seeing the powers. And 'you' are asking me this question?"

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