72. Little Lavender

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(Sorry for the late update)🤧

2800+ Words.

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Note : - English is not my first language and I'm not too good in english. So this update has a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So please avoid the grammatical mistakes.🥲

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no. 72 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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Sharanya did not realize it, but Niskarsh had just confessed his love to her again. When will Sharanya finally understand his feelings? When will she finally understand that Niskrash loves her madly. Niskarsh pulled that small packet back into his arms and said, "You are right. This feeling... it was something else. But... we should celebrate, today we both got our mother back." "

Sharanya, “Hmmm.”

In all these things she forgot the main thing. Photograph. When she remembered that she had to take a photo with Niskarsh, she said, "Naksh! I… I have..."

She was really getting very nervous at this moment. Niskarsh asked, "What?"

Sharanya, “Woh… I want to take a photograph with you. I have to send it to Neer.”

Niskarsh remembering something, he said, "This Neer is the same friend of yours, right? The one who wished you on your birthday. And with whom you talk?"

Sharanya said with shock, "Yes. And she is not my friend, she is my best friend. And how do you know that she wished me on my birthday? And… and I talk to her…"

Sharanya got a little scared after hearing his last line. Because Niskarsh allowed her to keep her number ON only for a few days. And now that he knows that Sharanya is in contact with Neer, she is now afraid that Niskarsh will get angry again. Meanwhile, Niskarsh caressing her jawline, he said with a smile on his lips, “What do you think, Wifey? I do not know anything? I know every detail about you. What do you do all day long? Which people do you meet? What do you eat? I know everything. You are in contact with Neer, I know from the beginning. In fact, it was only after seeing her messages that I came to know that it was your birthday that day."

Sharanya was shocked. Till today she thought that she had kept this thing hidden from Niskarsh. But, he always knew everything. Sharanya stammered, "So… so… why didn't you say anything?"

Niskarsh caressing Sharanya's cheek, he said, "Lavender! Why would I stop? Why would I say anything? I know you need someone. Just me is not enough. Female friendship is important for a girl. Then at that time You didn't have any friends in your life, so I didn't stop you."

His answer was unexpected. Sharanya felt like crying again. Then Niskarsh said, "Wait, no. No more crying. The photo will not look good. Don't you want to send the photographs to Neer?"

Sharanya immediately smiled and said, "Yes, I have to send it."

Niskarsh immediately took the phone from Sharanya's hands and switched on the camera. Then he pulled her towards himself and said, "Come on. Let's take our first picture together."

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