60. His cute little wife

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(Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!!!!! What are you doing Lovelies? My hiccups are not stopping. I am worried since morning. Then I remembered, ohhhh so it's because of you guys. So finally I decided that... okay, let me give you an update. Well, I feel very good when you all are missing me. So, keep missing me and enjoy this update. Love you!!!❤️)

3200+ Words.

You can happily skip my rants and go straight to the chapter.🥲

Note : - English is not my first language and I'm not too good in english. So this update has a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So please avoid the grammatical mistakes.🥲

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Hey hello hello hello Lovelies! Hope you are doing well. Okay, so here I'm with a new chapter of this Novel. Without wasting any time, Let's start the chapter. I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no. 60 of Twin Roses. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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There was a private room in Niskarsh's cabin itself. Niskarsh opened the door of that room and taking Sharanya inside said, "This room is only for you, Lavender!"

Sharanya saw that room and her eyes got big with surprise. That room was exactly like their bedroom. Yeah, there were not only white and gray colors in this room. The room was in white and red color. There was a very comfortable bed, a cupboard and sofas too. But the most surprising thing was a small book shelf on the side of the room. Sharanya moved towards that book shelf and saw that all the books from her wish list were kept on that book shelf. Sharanya had made a wish list of her books, which she had kept in one of her novels. She immediately turned back. Her eyes were full of tears and she said stutteringly, "These...these books? You... you..  my.. my..."

Niskarsh smiled and said, "Sorry, I read your wish list. Here are all the books you wanted to read."

Sharanya herself moved forward and hugged Niskarsh. She said, "Thank you. Thank you so much, Husband!"

Niskarsh ran his fingers through her hair lovingly and said, "Anything for my lady."

He turned away from her and said, "You can rest here. I am going out."

Sharanya nodded her head yes. Then Niskarsh went from there. Sharanya came back towards that book shelf and started looking at the books. She realized that Niskarsh had not even left a single book. Her entire wish list, every single book, is present here. So, did Niskarsh get this room specially made for her? Her favorite colors, her favorite books. In fact, by doing this today, Niskarsh had won the heart of his little wife.

Sharanya took out a book from the shelf and took it with her and came out of the room. She saw that Niskarsh had gone back into his laptop and files. But it was not that he did not feel Sharanya's presence. He said while running his fingers on his laptop, "What happened, Lavender? Why did you come here?"

Sitting on the nearby couch, Sharanya said, "I am comfortable here."

Now Sharanya wanted to see Niskarsh. Don't know what happened, in these few seconds, now she only wanted to see her husband. Or rather, that… wanted to look at. Perhaps these were those few seconds when you fall in love with someone. One moment is enough to fall in love and the same is enough to destroy love. Sharanya did not understand what happened to her? But, something had definitely happened. Hearing Sharanya's words, Niskarsh smiled but did not say anything. Sharanya sat there on the couch and started reading the book comfortably.

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