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During Ye Li Zhu's pregnancy, she hadn't seen any guests, and Ti Xiao didn't allow her to see any guests, because he was afraid that she wouldn't be able to control her mouth and eat indiscriminately when there were guests. Therefore, if Madam came to visit, the two maids beside her, namely Hai Tan and Yu Sha, would go to meet them.

There was no word about her pregnancy.

For one thing, this is a matter of her own family and has nothing to do with other people's families. Ye Li Zhu is not a publicity person, she is just pregnant. Most women will be pregnant. She is quietly pregnant with her child, so she didn't tell others about it with much fanfare.

Secondly, Ye Li Zhu's body is not good. Although the doctor said that the child is fine, accidents happen occasionally. Ye Li Zhu still prefers to wait for the child to be born before telling others. So she didn't write a letter to let Ye Fu'an know, fearing that Ye Fu'an would be worried every day that something might happen to her. He thought about reporting the happy event to Ye Fu'an after the baby was born.

The reason why the servants of the palace can stay in the palace is naturally because they have the trust of the master, and they will not casually gossip about the affairs of the master.

Around the Mid-Autumn Festival, the wives of every family in Xian Zhou would come to visit Ye Li Zhu to give gifts.

At this time, there were so many people coming, and it was also a big festival, Ye Li Zhu naturally couldn't let the maid entertain them.

Ye Li Zhu's stomach is already very big, she can only sleep lying down every night. Ye Li Zhu used to like to sleep on her stomach, Ti Xiao was worried that she would press her stomach, but now she only let her sleep on her left side, and would wake up several times every night, he was worried that Ye Li Zhu would sleep dishonestly.

After pregnancy, Ye Li Zhu always has a little temper. Sometimes she would cry for no reason. Obviously no one provoked her, but she would get angry and shed tears by herself.

Ye Li Zhu looked much rounder during pregnancy, but Ti Xiao lost a little weight because of it.

Ti Xiao's closest subordinates have always known that King Qin treats Princess Qin like pearls and treasures, and loves her very much. Concubine Qin was born noble and beautiful. How could a man not like such a beauty? No matter how pure and ascetic the king Qin is, he still likes the princess.

But others do not know.

One day, Ti Xiao was discussing with Xian Zhou officials about the collection of commercial tax this year. His subordinates made many suggestions, which Ti Xiao felt were inappropriate. At this time, the door was knocked twice, and a servant came in.

Everyone felt that something big had happened.

Because when Ti Xiao was discussing with his subordinates, he didn't allow people to come in and report some unimportant things to disturb him.

Ti Xiao glanced at the servant, his face was cold: "What's the matter?"

The servant said: "Your Highness, the princess doesn't want to take medicine, she dropped two bowls, no matter how much Sister Hai Tan and Sister Yusha try to persuade her, it's useless."

Some officials in Xian Zhou couldn't help listening.

After hearing this, everyone was a little surprised, is Princess Qin so capricious? However, Princess Qin refuses to take medicine if she refuses to take medicine. What does it mean to report to King Qin?

Could it be that King Qin is going to reprimand the unruly and willful Princess Qin?

Interrupting the meeting for such a trivial matter, will this servant be dragged down and beheaded by King Qin later?

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