112 (Extra-22)

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When Ti Xiao received the letter, it was already several days later.

During this period of time, he rectified the victims, and he had to go to the hydrological station and other places with the officials to understand the flood situation.

The original embankment has been washed away by the flood. Before Ti Xiao's arrival, the officials arranged by Zhao Yun were preparing to build an embankment to prevent the next flood.

Ti Xiao worked day and night during this period. He called all the officials and civilians who knew about water conservancy engineering in Wen Zhou, considered their proposals, and finally appointed a young scholar.

This scholar has a bit of talent and learning, not a sour Confucian who can only read sage books. Ti Xiao saw that this man was wearing a long sword, his brows were awe-inspiring, and he didn't have a weak and bookish attitude, so he had a good impression of this man.

Xiucai designed the drainage ditch according to the topography of Wen Zhou and drew a picture. Although Ti Xiao was not proficient in water conservancy, he had a unique vision and did not act arbitrary. He listened to the useful strategies of his subordinates. After several discussions, Ti Xiao believed that the method of building the drainage ditch was feasible, and sent his counselors and the scholar to co-chair the matter.

Although he is a busy person, Ye Li Zhu is still on his mind.

Ye Li Zhu has always been inseparable from him. Ti Xiao knew it all along.

If Tixiao was just an ordinary rich and idle prince, he would stay by Ye Li Zhu's side all his life and never be separated from her.

Seeing Ying'er's letter, Ti Xiao had to admit that Ying'er was worthy of being his own son, smart and smart, he used to be illiterate in Xian Zhou, and watched people screaming and killing all day long, so he came to the capital, After studying with Ye Jia You for a while, he can actually write.

Ye Li Zhu actually cried secretly, did she really miss him so much?

In fact, Ti Xiao could have kept Ye Li Zhu in Xian Zhou, and she would be safer in Xian Zhou. Cutting off her contact with Ye Fu'an would also put her at ease.

It's just that he didn't want Ye Li Zhu to be too lonely, so he brought her to the capital. During his absence, with Ye Fu'an and Ye Jia You to accompany her, she would be much better.

It seems that no matter what, no one can replace Ti Xiao. After he left, even if she had a father and a younger brother by her side, they couldn't take his place.

It is impossible for Ti Xiao to put down the things here and go back. He even has very little time to write letters. The weather is getting hotter, and the summer in the south is even hotter. A lot, and lost a lot of weight.

But this time, seeing Ying'er's letter, Ti Xiao took the time to write a reply to Ye Li Zhu.

A few days later, Ye Li Zhu's eyes were slightly red when she saw the familiar handwriting.

She knows Ti Xiao has worked hard, so she won't tell him that she misses him, lest he will be distracted by it. When Ti Xiao is doing things outside, he should not focus on her.

Ying'er heard that the father king had sent a letter to the mother concubine, so he hurried to Ye Li Zhu's room to read.

He poked his head, but it was a pity that Ying'er didn't know many characters, and couldn't read many characters.

He raised his face and said, "Mother  Concubine, when will Father be back?"

Ye Li Zhu touched Ying'er's small face: "By this time next year, your father will be back."

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