Chapter One

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No Service

The car ride had been rather quiet, but given the circumstances there was no need to raise question to the deafening silence between your friends, and yourself. Five of your friends had just traveled down this very road a couple months prior to never return. It was obvious the ones of you now were concerned which is more than you could say about the local police. They seemed to want to shrug off any concerns, and act as though nothing ever happened.

Having followed up at the same gas station where your friends were last reported to of been spotted you still felt hopeless. The gas station clerk was sketchy at best, a little too touchy at worst, but too old to do anything to a group of in shape younger folk like yourselves. While speaking with him, he'd mentioned a truck offering your friends a ride, and they'd all jumped in the bed of the truck before the truck had sped off. When pressured on if he knew the owner to the vehicle he acted as though he'd just not mentioned one. Strange though that the police never made mention of this detail. Was he making it up? Or just some old kook?

"Are we really gonna act like that old fucker ain't just say he saw em get in to a truck that night?"

Your friend Andres voice breaking the silence startled your train of thought, and made you jump in your seat. Andre was on the football team, a tall well built man, and he was deemed the class clown because of his jokes. You'd wished this was all a joke, that the others would just call, and say it was all a prank. In secret you had already assumed the worse but for the sake of the group you stayed optimistic.

"You alright YN?" The man driving the vehicle next to you asked grabbing your hand. Swallowing the frog in your throat before answering the both of them.

"Yeah babe, I am just trying to wrap my head around all of this, and Andre just startled me."

Mike had been your boyfriend of four years. His brown shoulder length hair brushed against the collar of his jacket. He was your first real relationship, and while things could be rocky at times you always managed to get through it together. Shifting in your seat you gently squeeze Mikes hand reassuring him you're fine.

"Mike, you know I'm right man don't even try to play with me on that one. You saw how that goofy ol fucker was looking at the girls."

With a sigh Mike nodded in agreement looking at Andre from the rear view mirror, a couple of snickers from the back seat followed.

"Maybe because he'd never seen such confidence in women before. You see where we're at? The most these men probably see from these women is a forearm, and maybe if lucky... some ankle action."

"Oh please that's being generous, I'll bet he ain't seen a woman's nude body in twenty years. We should have kissed, he'd of had a heart attack with that much action."

"Abbie... Michelle... not now..." you sigh rolling your eyes.

Abbie and Michelle were two peas in a pod. You never got in with them much since they were more the outgoing preppy the less clothes the better type. Michelles long hair a brilliant blonde with her green eyes, athletic build, and tight fitting clothes. Abbie's dark almost black hair cut in to a long bob but curled, with her big brown doe eyes, a more soft approachable appearance.

"What? We're just stating the obvious, and attempting to lighten the mood..."

"Well that's cool and all but what we need to do is focus on finding our friends, and getting the hell outta here. You wanna talk about look at where we at? My black ass damn sure ain't supposed to stick around places like this too long. You think these people are with modern times? They probably thinking I'm y'all's slave boy or some shit."

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now