Chapter Twenty-Three

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You were sat reading the book again, still in disbelief as to what all you had read. The sunroom screen door creaked open behind you. The sound of a boot hitting the step, you couldn't of misheard that step. You knew that thud, and squeak of the step. It... it couldn't be... turning your head there he was... he was there. You felt your world stop as you looked at him. Even with just being a couple of weeks, and y'all leaving thing in a bad place. You missed him, still loved him with your whole heart. You threw the book down, and started running towards him. Not caring about anything that had happened weeks prior, everything you'd just read... you needed him. You had to tell him, you knew you had to. Just finding the time or way, your run was cut short as you started throwing up. Johnny ran over to you, pulling your hair from your face.

"Ya alright?" his voice was full of concern, a different tempo than it was just weeks prior.

After you finished throwing up you look up to him, squeezing him tightly.

"I'm just sick..." you mumble in to his chest.

"You taken anything? I'll get you something?"

"No... I'll be alright... why are you here?"

"Ma... she forgot something..."

The door again opened and Verna walked out closing it behind her. As she approached you two she looked like she knew something, and was about to drop the bomb. She pulled the both of you in to her arms...

"You're pregnant missy..."

You froze.

Johnny froze.

Time froze.

You finally gained control over yourself again, and pulled away from her. Shaking your head.

"But... I... no... I..."

"Oh sweet girl, you can still fall pregnant..."

"I...I know that... but I can't..."

"I'm gonna be..." Johnny stood bewildered.

You knew timing for this couldn't possibly be any worse. Johnny didn't live here anymore, Nancy didn't like you... and you could careless for her after everything you've read. A surge of dread sunk deep in to the pits of your stomach, you didn't trust her around you or either of your babies. What if she... what if she'd attack you like she did Johnny's mom? What if she took your babies from your body?

"...I gotta tell my ma... I'm... I'm gonna be a"

"Johnny!" you reach out grabbing hold of him as he turned to walk away.

He stopped, and furrowed his brows at you.

"Whether you like her or not she's my ma..."

"Johnny... that's what we need to talk about... now...please?" you still holding his arm begin leading him to where you were once sat.

He was still over the moon about what Verna had just told the two of you. Still not understanding the severity of what you'd just said to him.

"We're... parents?"

"We already were Johnny."

"He's not mine YN he's a..."

"DONT YOU DARE!" you hiss.

Gaining composure of yourself before you addressed him about the topic at hand.

"I...I'm sorry it's just... everything I'm about to show you... it's going to be hard, Johnny. Really really hard. And once you see it all, and hear it... I think you'll... I think you're gonna see things differently... and I am really sorry I am... I wish there was a better way to do this, and a better time. But..." you sigh out.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now