Chapter Twenty-Five

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Golden Years

It'd been four long, months since Johnny learned the truth about Nancy. You would occasionally wake up throughout the night because of your stomach. You wouldn't feel Johnny laid beside you, so you'd sit up to look for him. This night was no different. Seeing him carrying Wes around the room, Nancy's book in his hands, his brows furrowed the entire time. He'd wore that book to stay open on the page where she talked about how she'd killed his mother. Once he seen you looking at him he set the book down, and came over to the bed sitting beside you. Sitting Wes down on his mat.

"I'm sorry... didn't mean to wake ya..." he said rubbing your back.

" didn't... this did!" you softly chuckle rubbing your bump.

Johnny moves his hand to your bump also, just for his hand to shoot away from it, and him jump slightly. You huff out. But also feel excited. It was such a different sensation, and the miracle of life growing within you... that was babies first kick or punch.

"...the hell was that?"

"Baby is just letting us know they're in there is all."

"I know they're in there, it's plan as day look at how..."

"You can say it..."

"Ya huge for only bein bout four months... Verna was never that big that soon."

You roll your eyes playfully just to almost pass out as you look to Wes extending his little arms out to Johnny. Johnny quickly stood just incase because Wes... he was taking his first steps!

A smile came across Johnnys face, his mouth open he was smiling so big. He picking him up pulling him closely, and spun him around the room. Both of them laughing.

"Ya see that?" Johnny excitingly asked before doing a little victory dance.

"Wes! You little booger!" you go to get up but Johnny helps you to your feet.

Booping Wes on his little nose, he makes an angry face before giggling. Oh no we'd been watching Johnny a little too much apparently. That was a Johnny thing for certain.

"Don't you do what your dad does. It's not nice!"

"Hey whaddya mean thats mean? I think he looks cute when he's doing it! I only do it when I'm hunting."

"Well yeah he looks cute doin it now... someday he's gonna be running some poor soul down playing mind games with them from his face alone. Just like someone else I know!" you raise an eyebrow looking at Johnny who laughs.

"He will be running someone down someday won't he?" he starts tearing up.

"Johnny! Why are you crying?"

"He's gonna be grown soon..."

"...oh my gosh give him to me..."

"No I'm holding him! It's sad to know he won't be like this forever..."

You'd never imagined Johnny to be so emotional, but maybe it's because what he deems his own family scares him. It scares him to accept one day it'll be over. One day Wes is going to be walking, talking, and maybe even providing for the family.

"It's all part of it Johnny, he's going to be a big bubba soon..."

"Yea cause I killed his ma..."

"Johnny... you... you didn't know..."

"And now that I do... and then all my life's been a lie... how the hell am I supposed to tell him. 'Hey Wes, look ya ain't really my kid. I killed your ma, and took that roll from her. She never even got to see ya.'"

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now