Chapter Eleven

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I Don't Care


Laying there when you hear the door to your room creak open. Anticipation of feeling Johnny's arms around you growing in your stomach. The bed shifts, not as much as you'd of expected for Johnnys stature. A hand comes around your chest grabbing at your breasts.

"Nubbins where ya at, you know you're supposed to be watching the shed since ma and pa are running the gas station!" you hear Johnny's voice boom from above you.

You let out a blood curdling scream realizing Johnny isn't the figure behind you.

"Shut yer mouth ya whore! If ya can sleep with muh bruther ya can sleep with me." Nubbins desperately mumbles trying to cover your mouth.

His frail hands not enough to do the job, and any time he would think he has your mouth covered as he gropes your breasts you bite his hand.

"Ow you skank!" He shouts raising his hand to hit you.

The door swings open.

"GET THE HELL OFF ER!" Johnny shouts grabbing Nubbins with one hand jerking him to his feet before punching him.

"Ow... ya fucker... ya ain't supposed to hurt family..."

"The hell you call what your doin to her?"
Johnny shouts shoving Nubbins toward the door.

"She ain't family now is she?"

"I ain't sayin she is, but you hurtin her is hurting me, ya know she's MINE!"

"Wait til ma and pa hear bout this Johnny. You gonna be sent back to Nancy's."

Nancy? Who the hell is Nancy you think holding your knees to your chest back to the wall.

"Wait til I tell 'em you're down here trying to have sex with YN. Ma would beat you senseless for breaking the rules, and ya know it. Besides you think living with Nancy would be a punishment? She raised me."

"Fine I... I won't tell 'em, if you don't..." he says shakingly before closing the door behind him leaving Johnny in the room with you, he'd saved you again.

Still with his back to you, angry you could see his shoulders moving up with every breath. His hands clenched in to tight fists. Without much thought you stood, and hugged him from behind. He shrugged you off of him before stepping out of your range.

"Don't touch me..." his tone hateful.

"Johnny... I... I..."

"Save it. I don't care."

"..but you.."

"I did that so he can't mess with my chances of a child..."

"... Johnny can we talk... like you turn to face me and we talk?"

"Why so you can betray me again?"

"Well there's no rocks in here..." you snicker slightly. "Sorry.."

"What's there to talk about? Anything I say you're not gonna believe. It's better if you just stay as just something to breed with."

"You... you don't mean that do you? We... we should talk about that... can you please not make me have this conversation with your back?"

Johnny huffs before turning to face you. His face was something you'd been missing, you'd almost forgot what he looked like. He was dangerous with his looks alone, you wanted him to destroy you when he looked at you. Especially when he was pissed, something about his temper made him hotter. You felt terrible because you hurt him, you could hear it in his voice. He wasn't so trusting with you anymore.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now