Chapter Eight

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It's Private


"Now... look I know I let y'all down this mornin by being gone. If I coulda got back sooner I would of..." you spoke using your hands.

"Just cut to it Johnny, what's on ya mind..." Verna said as she sat down.

"YN could be exactly what we've been looking for... and I know already that I'm gonna sound crazy."

"We've been looking for a few things Johnny..."

"We need a breeder though right? Sissy can't because of that condition of hers. Ma you're up in age now, Bubbas kid almost ended ya... hell I ain't gettin any younger."

"Now you know she'd have to be tested..."

Thinking really hard about what to say next because you had already tested her. You'd been testing her all morning...

"Well I wanna do it. I've got everything we need in a new family member. I'm attractive, I'm smart, I'm strong, and I just got good genes all round."

"Why don't you let your brother do it? He keeps thinking you hate em... I think it would be good for em. He's been saving himself for that purpose."

"I don't hate em... he just makes careless mistakes that in turn could end up bad for us all. Do we really need another Nubbins runnin around here? Ones almost too much as is. The boy ain't right. I think about this family when I'm making decisions, it's why I was late gettin back today. I needed to make sure there were no loose ends." you say tossing Drayton the keys to your latest meals vehicle. "Like those... Nubbins was left at the car while I got the last one yesterday. He didn't think once to grab the keys? Careless mistakes like that can hurt us all."

"He's got many points Drayton. Does YN know about any of this?"

"No she doesn't, he'll I'd even lied and told her I threw the keys out."

"So you're not so lovestruck to make mistakes?" Drayton said wrinkling his mouth.

"I don't know what love is, so how would I know if thats what I'm feelin? I don't make mistakes, I fix em. I done told ya I'm thinking about this family for the long run."

"But you wanna keep er to yourself? How's that thinking for the family?"

"Alright. I done gave my reasoning for Nubbins, Bubba..."

"...Nope not happening. That boy has his own I'm just thankful she came out as normal as normal could be." Verna spoke.

Thanking the skies internally that you were right about Bubba that left the ol man, and Nubbins but you think your point was solid.

"Well that leaves you..." you say looking at Drayton. "So you're wanting a go at her for yourself?"

"Now I ain't said that now ave I?"

"Well that's all that's left if you both agree about the other two."

"I... something is up with you Johnny." Drayton spoke folding his arms stepping closer to you. "You've lured countless girls to this house, now all the sudden you wanna keep this one? You planning on helping her escape?"

"WHAT! Why on earth would I betray y'all? Y'all let me back here I owe y'all my life. I'm genuinely just wanting to keep our family strong."

"You test her yourself before having our blessin?"

"NO! I did cut her breast and taste her though. That's al I did, I wanted to do more. But I know the rules."

"Control?" Verna said raising a brow.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now