Chapter Twenty-Two

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One Last Time

It'd been a couple of weeks since Johnny left, and you'd found Nancy's diary. Having had time to compose yourself in between throwing up to read it more after the first night. A stomach bug or something had hit you hard you thought, it was terrible timing with having be with Wes. You really wish you hadn't read any further. Your heart sank on a many of occasions. Having to learn that Nancy... had done an unthinkable act. Then have the nerve to speak about Wes the way she did, to speak to Johnny the way she did. It broke your heart. A tear ran on to the page as you read it again.

I hope you realize what you missed out on John. What you'll continue to miss out on. I took him from her, your dearest Clara right from her womb. He's mine now... my very own precious baby boy, sent from God to me. I think I'll name him Johnny. As I'm writing this I know you've found her. She died without much of a fight, getting in the house was simple enough. Posing a possible nanny to our child. She was none the wiser when I strangled her. I want you to know she woke up while I was cutting in to her. I couldn't risk the health of our little boy. He's so beautiful. I love him so much, even if you can't love him... I always will...

"Oh Johnny..." you cover your mouth running for the bathroom, puking.

"Ya alright hon?" wiping your mouth you see Verna in the door way.

"Yeah... just a stomach bug..."

"Hmmm... alright..." she didn't seem to believe you, but you were too busy hugging the toilet.


The last couple of weeks were different, much different than what you'd become accustomed to at The Sawyer home. It was much quieter, none of Sissy's singing, no chainsaw noises revving, none of Nubbins bones clanking about, none of Verna and Drayton laughing at the radio. No sleepless nights tending to Wes... no more nights holding RN in your arms. The hardest part was no more human meat. You'd grown a taste for it, Verna trained you to take human lives, not consume them. The Sawyers done that. Your job prior to that was just kill, and discard the bodies smartly. That's apparently what your ma had been handling.

Before she'd sent you off you had been hunting the O'Connors. They were a little off the grid family similar to your own, but they wanted more territory than they deserved. Figured I'd they'd killed everyone who would be there to argue land. It was only a matter of time before Nancy sent you after them. Your hunts had been so successful your ma had a lot of land in her name now. You'd drove the O'Connors back in to their home territory. Unfortunately with their sloppy killings it brought the eyes of the feds down on the lands. Your ma deemed it not safe for you to be there because the feds didn't need to know about you. The less they knew about you the better. So she sent you to live with The Sawyers, where your whole world would change. You weren't use to sharing. Hell before RN you didn't ever share or care for anyone except your family, and yourself.

Oh RN... the way she'd moan your name, the way she'd cry it out in between breathes in to your ear. How she tasted... the faces she'd make as you deeply penetrated her. The feeling of her wrapped tightly around you as she released sending you in to your own climax.

Beads of sweat running off your forehead on to your neck, and on to your pillow. Panting in to your pillow, as your hips buckled in your hand, a warm substance hitting your stomach.

"...shit..." you pant out getting the towel beside your bed, cleaning yourself up.

You'd missed everything about the Sawyer house. The food, the people, and you especially missed having sex as frequently as you did. Whenever you wanted it, wherever you wanted it... she was... yours. Now here you are jacking off to the thoughts of RN in your childhood bedroom. You wonder if she even thinks of you anymore. Did she even miss you? Was she even there anymore or... or was she dead or gone? A sadness follows your post nut.


"...Yes ma..." you try to compose yourself.


"No ma I haven't been in your room. Why ya askin?"

"...I.... I'm missin somethin"

"Well ma I ain't touched nothin..."

"I... I'll be back after a while."

"Where you goin?"

"Back to Drayton's I think I left something..."

At hearing she was going to the Sawyers you also wanted to go. You gather yourself, get dressed quickly, and throw yourself out the door of your room.

"Don't slam doors in my house Johnny!"

"Sorry ma... I... I wanna go to. I forgot some stuff..."

"Johnny they ain't nothin there for ya. Nothin of value. Ya stayin here!"

"Ma... I'm goin!"

She struggled at telling you no, she always has.

"Fine, but don't get far we ain't gone be there long."

You hurry in to the passenger seat, excited to see RN, even if she was going to be mad at you. A sadness rushes over you... what if she's not there anymore... you needed to know. You needed closure of sorts.

Pulling in to the Sawyers drive, Nubbins was out on the edge of the property watching y'all drive up. He approaches as you get out, smiling ear to ear.

"I knew ya'd come back Johnny..."

"I ain't back..."

He rolls his eyes before scurrying off in to the fields. The same fields y'all once patrolled together, the same fields you'd walked through with RN. The need to know hit you. Sissy was stood in the doorway propped up as you approached.

"Who says ya welcome here anymore Johnny?"

"I'm still family..."

"Ain't no family of mine would hurt my sister like that... she was hurtin for days..."

"Was?" you ask very concerned.

"Ma! Johnny and Nancy here!" she called out.

Verna came in to vision as your ma walked up the porch behind you.

"The hell y'all doin back? Ya got yer boy, he was well taken care of."

"I ain't here to drop em off. I think I miss placed somethin of mine." Nancy spoke up.

"...Verna... I..."

"Johnny ya have somethings in yer room ya left. They're ready for ya. Ya can come in for now. Nancy yous supposed to of spoke with Drayton before ya left. You want in this house? Ya can after y'all talk, he's round the side of the house in the shed."

That panic returned when she was still calling your room yours. You'd figure RN had taken it over. Only furthering your panic as to her fate. Walking in the sun room you see her... she was outside with Wes watching him play. A book in her hands. Your heart skipped a beat, she had a glow to her. One that only hurt you even more to have to leave again. She was so beautiful in her dress, tucking her hair behind her ear. Even if you knew she'd probably yell, and scream she hated you... you just wanted to hear her voice. One last time.

I have a surprise for you all!!! You'll have to wait and see (:

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now