Chapter Twenty-Six

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Having found some spare time while Wes was sleeping you were going through the books in the living room. All the dust built up on them forming a coat on your skin as you glided your finger across their spines. You stopped as you came across an old phone book. Curiosity peaked, you think long and hard to yourself. Turning to the H section of the well kept pages, you drag your finger down the list. HA...HAN...HAR...HART...HART JOHN! You internally scream to yourself. Though you begin to doubt if he still would even have this number, the book was pretty old after all. Even if he was on the other end of the line... what would you say? 'Hey this will sound insane but I'm pregnant with your sons baby, and I wanted him to get to know you... yeah the son you figured was gone forever ago.' What if he didn't care about Johnny? What if he hated him? You figured if best to ask before pulling the trigger on this little plan.

"Verna... I'd like your insight on somethin!" you say walking in to the dining room where she was sat peeling potatoes.

"If it's names... don't bother I'm terrible at em myself..."

"Names?... oh no... but we should absolutely think of names..."

"Damn right ya should... get ya a few for both a boy and a girl just in case so ain't sat there with a nameless child in ya arms."

"Yeah you're I wanted to ask if you knew him... Johnny's... dad..."

"Oh... John? Course I did. He was one a lot of girls were hot for... now ya can understand why Johnny can easily coax girls back here... he ain't done that since ya came long though so don't go get mad at em... but what's it ya wanna know bout John?"

"Did he ever come cross as maybe he knew? Like he knew the baby Nancy had was... his and Clara's?"

"If he did he never out right said it... Nancy's whole gig with Johnny was her aunt couldn't raise her child. So she took em rather than him go to the fire department in a basket. Besides she was always an odd gal, so everyone believed she'd actually do just that. Though the truth was much darker as ya know..."

"Do you know if he's still... alive?" you scrunch your face in asking because it felt odd.

"What's it you gettin at girl?"

"...I just... I wanted to see if he wanted to know Johnny... he deserves to... and Johnny maybe having that parent figure... maybe that would... I don't know am I bein stupid?" you ask running a hand through your hair.

"So ya want Johnny and John to meet?"

"I... yeah I guess so..."

"Hmph... John was always a sweetheart... hell if ya can find a nu-"

"... I already did..."

"Well then ya got his address to then? Maybe trynna talk bout all this over the phone ain't the right call..."

"... so just show up on his step with Johnny? And the picture of Clara and himself? Being all like hi this grown man? Your son... what would I say if he asked about the picture or... or Nancy... what if he called the cops, and then Nancy started messing with Johnny and I or round here with all us?"

"Sweet girl... I'll handle that part if he asks...truthfully there ain't no denying that Johnny belongs to John... just look at em..."

"So you'd be willing to go with us?"

"Course I would!"

You breathe a breath of relief as you stand to go for the phone. Your entire being shaking as you hear the dial tone. Biting the inside of your lip ever so slightly. A finger twirling a strand of hair. Your heart skips a beat as a voice of a man comes on the other end of the line.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now