Chapter Thirteen

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Bath Talk

Days started flying by once Johnny and yourself got on the same page again. Johnny made sure he took every advantage of your monthly he could, knowing it would soon be gone again. Everything was perfect between the two of you now, or at least you thought so. It'd been a month since those Leland and Connie people died. The others from that group had been killed off and mostly consumed also.

You'd brought Johnny a glass of lemonade out to the sunflower field he was building a new fence around those ones. They were different from the rest, the were a crimson red colour rather than vibrant sun yellow. A familiar smell was in the air though you couldn't pin point it.

"Here love!" you smile extending the glass to Johnny who showed you his dirty hands. "Oh I'm sorry let me help you." Placing the straw between his lips so he wouldn't dirty the glass.


"Love, huh?" you say swallowing the beverage down.

"What? Do you not like me callin you that?" she'd started getting an accent to her probably from being around your family so much.

"It's just different than I'm use to is all."

"But you're my love Johnny!"

"And you're all mine..."

"I'm serious Johnny, I do think I'm in love with you."

"Now... why would... ya think... that?" you say in between slamming the pole diggers in the ground.

"Oh c'mon don't be silly, I know I look a fool every time I look at ya! Smiling ear to ear. You mean a ton to me...." she leans in to your ear as you're bent over fooling with the ground. "... and there's something about you being all sweaty that's got me feelin hot... did I mention when you're in hunt mode how scary you are? It drives me wild..." you smirk looking up to face her. Her beautiful eyes dazed, a very lustful expression plastered over her face.

You let out a chuckle.

"I'm serious... I could take you right here, right now..."

"Calm down there fire cracker. Ya can't go getting dirty we gotta eat soon, and grandpa is coming to the table so ya need be presentable. Oh and... just forewarning ya, he's not gonna be what you're expecting. He's alive, so don't say or look odd at em in front of the family..."

"Of course I'll be on my best behaviour. Scouts honour." she jokes putting her hand in a weird stance to her side. "...have they asked about it yet?"

"The pregnancy stuff?" you ask squinting as sweat beads in to your eye.

"Oh let me get that for ya... and yes that stuff..." she kneels down dabbing her cloth over your forehead wiping the sweat from your eye.

"No but I'm sure they're gonna mention it tonight. Don't worry I've got an idea..."

"Well can I hear it so we're on the same page?"

"You're gonna hate it but's all I could think to do. Yanno how the clerk got turned to mince meat? And pa and em been rotating workin the gas station? Well you're perfect to lure people back here with..."

"... you want me to lure people to their death?"

"Well do you wanna die?"

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now