Chapter Tweleve

353 9 3

The Red Sea

Johnny sets you down on his bed pushing you on to your back before hovering over top of you. His nose brushed against yours, as you stare in to one another's eyes, your lips soon find each other. His hand firmly grasping your waist while he other runs through your hair. Your hands finding the brim of his shirt pulling it over his head, breaking the kiss momentarily. Johnny goes to do the same as he laces kisses down your neck but you stop him.

"Cut it off or rip it off." you whine, a devious smirk comes across his lips.

Firmly grabbing two parts of the fabric between you two he pulls. You hear the sound of it tearing, feeling the cool air rush against your bare breasts. Hearing Johnnys audible groan at the site of your upper half exposed already. His hands wasting no time in groping your breasts with savage movements. Pinching your nipples light moans escaping as he smiles over top of you. This was the Johnny you missed so much. You felt him fumbling with your shorts buttons, struggling to undo them, and it frustrated him. With a sudden motion with your own hand you undone the button so he could continue his idea of attacking you. Once down to your panties he stopped though, causing you to look for his touch. He was still there, just looking at his hand, and back down at your core, his head slightly turned, as if confused.

Having realized you were looking at him now.

"'re bleeding... a lot..."

Wanting to facepalm for a couple of reasons now you felt embarrassed, but it was also cute how he must not know what's going on. You didn't even feel it yourself, but then again your pill makes it feel nonexistent.

"...I must have started then... if you don't wanna... we don't have to..." this was a new predicament that you were curious about admittedly.

Would a cannibal be put off sexually by menstruation?

"So this... this is normal for ya then? Cause you ain't freaking out... and I didn't do it..."

He was so cute with his innocent tone, and not knowing much about a woman's body.

"Yes. This is normal for me. I'm use to it. I know you didn't do it." a snicker leaving your lips.

"So you just..."

"It's just natures way of saying 'hey you can now have children' but this is also it's way of saying I'm more than likely not pregnant..."

"So ya just... bleed?"

"Well tissue and stuff goes out too. It's my body making clean space for a new egg, for any potential babies. And it hurts too, I just I guess was so caught up in you that I didn't realize I was showing signs of starting..."

"Can you bleed out?"

"No." you respond with a laugh.

Johnny tilts his head before doing what you were curious of, shoving the fingers incased in your blood in to his mouth. Suckling them. It was... turning him on. You weren't completely surprised he ate people raw so a little period blood wasn't going to kill him. If anything he probably seen it as a jackpot.

"Ya tellin me I can have a buffet one day outta every month?" he said sliding his fingers back between your folds, his touch gentle but needy, his other hand working your panties down.

"Oh Johnny, if only it were one day... it varies between people. Some bleed for a week, every month. Plus it'll only happen if I'm not pregnant, yes."

"So I knock you up this goes away...?...shit..." he says taking you on his fingers back in to his mouth.

"You do know there's a more efficient way for you to do that... so we both get pleasure from this right?" You ask now using your elbows for support.

With his eye brow raised you could tell he wasn't following.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now