Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Hey...Hey boy... c'mon now wake up..." you're shaking the younger guy back awake.

"Hmm...ugh...aughh... where... where am I?..."

"Just outside y'all's property line, ya gotta get up kid..." you say pulling him to his feet.

His body still not there yet as you have to catch him once more. You felt... bad for him... he'd ran himself to this level of exhaustion just to save your son? It wasn't anything new for you to see someone run that hard, but it was typically always for their own life. This guy just... he was selfless... you'd killed his family, just attacked his brother, and here he was... it made accepting you'd have to kill him a bit... hard.

Hearing yelling coming from up the ways. You have no other choice than to leave him sat against a tree. You had to save your family. You hug the tree line for cover inching closer to where the yelling was coming from, an old horse barn.

"...Fuckin bastards... goddamn it... Sid... cmon now wake up! Where's that bastard child he had?"

"Wes..." you mumble under your breath.

Just as you go to move forward you hear leaves shuffling in the woods behind you. Turning to face your attacker it's none other than...

"Johnny... shit it's just us..."

"Nubbins you damned fool don't be walking up on me like that... Wes... " you run your thumb over Wes' head kissing his forehead gently.

"Go... get him outta here... the rest of em comin, and don't kill that kid against the tree up that a way... I'll sort him out. Where's Sissy?"


"...sissy?" you whisper.

The figure hurries to approach you.

"Hey sugar, did ya miss me?"

"Oh sissy! Go help Wes please I'll be alright."

"Sugar he's well out of harms way... I sent him on with Nubbins! Don't worry I got that one bastard that had em! Caught him with his drawls down and all. He didn't touch em I promise ya!" Sissy says fixing your dress.

You throw your head in the direction of the key that had fallen in the hay. She undoes your shackles, you both hurry to help Verna down. Gaining your composure you look for anything to wield as a weapon. It wouldn't be fair to expect Sissy and Verna to do this all on your own. Pregnant or not you needed to put in effort as well! You have sissy help you pull on of the chains that once shackled you off the withered old board holding it. It was heavy and granted you some range.


Vision still blurred, your heart in your ears. Hearing your foolish brothers allowed your sick minded uncle around a small boy... it lit a fire under you. You'd spent months trying to change things for the better around the ranch. With each passing day your brothers would cause more issues with locals, or getting themselves killed. You knew not to trust Johnny, but you also couldn't suppress your instincts to do the right thing.

Pushing yourself to your feet using the tree as support you notice you're alone. Where's Johnny? You think to yourself. Composing yourself enough you begin to slowly move forward, still at a stagger. The need to puke ever present. Cmon Darby push through. Nobody was there for you... but... but you can save this little boy... cmon... You slap yourself across the cheek and stagger onward in to the woods towards the family ranch.

**Darby's Childhood Flashback**

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now