Chapter Nineteen

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Midnight Visitor

Several months had passed since Johnny and yourself had took on raising baby Wes. It had been a rough seven months, sleep? Why you didn't know what that was for the first two months. Eventually Johnny had gotten comfortable, and started taking shifts with you. You'd go to get Wes whilst he was crying to see Johnny already walking out the room feeding him. Looking out the window, you'd see him carrying him through the sunflowers, and it melted your heart. The moonlight shining down on the both of them, a smile on your face as you'd watch from the window. Johnny would occasionally catch you watching them, and smile at you.

Verna having accepted that Wes was not to ever going to be a meal, offer to take time with him. Surprisingly Johnny and yourself still found time for one another. Johnny would pull you out of the house to have more private intimate moments with you. Speaking of the devil, there he was.

Johnny told you to get Verna to watch Wes and then meet him in the back yard. Going out the back door her was propped up against the side of the house, a playful look about him. Nubbins walked by you in the door way with a few dead rabbits on his back. Cutting you a glare.



You look at Johnny who's laughing.

Walking over to stand in front of him.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"I assume that little football thing you had me wear for ya that one night was a kink I think is the word for it?" he raises an eyebrow inquisitively.

You feel your face burn a crimson red, slowly nodding, avoiding eye contact with him.

"...well..." he huffed.

"It's not like you don't do it for me so don't go thinking that Johnny!"

Again he laughed.

"Well I wanna fulfill one of mine..."

You raise your eyebrows looking at him curiously.

"Yep... so..." he reaches in to his back pocket pulling his gloves out.

"Why do you..."

His knife now in his hand, as he smiles ear to ear.

"You remember the first time... our actual first time?"

You nod slowly.

"Well... you had to be quiet then... now... I want you to run for it... don't worry it'll only be me after ya... that's why Nubbins is pissed. I made him take his traps up so you wouldn't get hurt. Now... run..."

Standing there looking between the knife, and Johnnys face turning your head.

" don't trust me or something? I've used this on you plenty of times..."

He was right your body had become littered with dozens of cuts where he'd want your blood during sex. Or even just foreplay. He'd make the tiniest cut to suck on your blood, it aroused him so much. Looking in his eyes one last time before checking to make sure your shoes were secure. One deep breath, you turn from him, and sprint off through the sunflower fields.

You hear his manic laughter growing distant. Quickly looking for somewhere to duck down for a while, you didn't want to exert all of your energy in a sprint. You find a shed, tools hanging everywhere, and some hay in the corner. Quickly but quietly you move the hay bale before hiding behind it. Leaving yourself a slit to see through, trying to control your breathing, so Johnny couldn't hear you. Admittedly this was an adrenaline rush.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now