Chapter Thirty-Four

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No Hope

The door creaks open to the stable you all three are confined in. A dim lit lantern poking in to the stall, behind the flame was Daren. Your back was rested against the wooden wall, the aches becoming unbearable. Still you were shocked to see him alone. Coming closer he sat just across from you, the lantern set just above his head.

"Y'know if what you've said here today is true... there's more problems gone rise from this all. Things I've been sat on for years. You ever been betrayed girl?" he reaches removing your gag.

You think briefly before nodding.

"Well... what was the betrayal you faced then?"

Telling Daren your betrayal story was almost therapeutic. It took your mind off of the pain, and most importantly the situation you'd ended up in.

"...I don't know what I'd expected somethin more serious? Ya still young..."

"Well what's yours then?"

"Depending on what happens here next it may be... you just startin out. If you were able to live long enough you'd maybe know the feeling of what I'm fixing to say. Especially since ya got that little bastard over there." he throws his head in Wes' direction.

"He's still my son... and... I will live long enough...I'll see him start his own family..."

Daren laughs ignoring your words.

"Sure you will girl... see now he can't talk enough to ask you questions. One day he'd of grew up to say why don't I look like either you? Cause he ain't yours right? Slowly you start to see him look like someone else ya knew or know... may even pick up some of their behaviours."

"This sounds pretty serious..."

"May even turn out looking very similar to say... your best friend and your wife who just happens to be... his sister, had a little boy? Makin their own perfect bastard..."

"Then ya don't want to cause no troubles especially when your pal just lost the love of his life, and their little boy. Ya feel bad for em... listening to him cry to ya. Then rather than waiting for ya blessings to breed your wife, he goes right on ahead and takes it. Then here you are raisin his bastard. All while the first bastard is still live gettin all his attention and graces..."

"Are... are you talking about... John?"

"I raised his boy. I fed him. I taught him everything bout being a man. Just to look at em every damn day seein Johns face mixed with Beth."

"Bu...but y'all share? You're all inbreed..."

"It's the damned principle of it girl. Ya ain't to just take something cause it's what ya wantin... if it was that damned easy..." he scoffs.

"So John was out with Jo... his original son while you raised..."

"Don't play me damned fool... Darby looks just like them bastards."

"I... I've never seen Darby before..."

"Either way that fucker ain't mine. He's a bastards son had I-"

He was cut off by the sound of the door opening. A more goofy looking man was stood there his hair disheveled, and he was in only dirty underwear. You'd swear you could smell him. He steps in to the stall, and his face lights up at the sound of Wes beginning to cry out. He hurries to scoop him up, you go to attempt anything, something to save your little boy. Daren shoves you back down on your rear.

"Now girl ya ain't gonna mess with Sid there... he's just gone have some fun with em... you can get back whatever's left of that little bastard of yours when he's done with em. Don't worry you can imagine the screams are from him bein hungry."

Your stomach knots, and churns. This must be the man the girls were talking about.

"Leave him... take me..." Verna to begins protesting behind her gag thrashing around to.

"He don't like em your age... let alone with your parts..." he laughs following the man now carrying your boy out in his arms.

The pain of your legs hitting your bump shooting up your spine. Daren leans down gagging you again with whatever the fabric was. All you could do was cry out for them not to go, and leave Wes.

"They... they here... John nd Dus... Dustin..." the Sid man managed to say one handing screaming Wes like a doll.

"Well in that case leave it unlocked... boy deserves some fun. Not like they goin anywhere."

Minutes later the door flys back open. Dustin stomps in rubbing his hands together, before reaching for his buckle. As much as you wanted to give up you couldn't. Pushing yourself in to the corner of the room moving away from him before hitting the wall. His laugh was cynical.

"Well, looks like I'm gone see what ya feel like on the inside after all. Don't worry... I'll be as gentle as that fucker of yers was with my brothers." Dustin says before grabbing you by the arm lifting you to your feet.

A blade comes to your bindings, but he was quick to overpower you. Slamming your hands on the table in the corner you'd noticed earlier, and the one the girls had laughed about. In his doing so he ended up knocking a key on to the hay. Shackles clanking and clasping around your wrists. When he cut your feet loose you managed to kick him in the knee. Stabilizing himself he ran you against the table. The pressure on your stomach near unbearable. Beginning to mumble and cry out he backed off before shackling your feet apart.

"Ya damned bitch..." his hands now grabbing handfuls of your dress raising it above your hips.

You felt a cold metal to your skin before hearing fabric being cut away. Closing your eyes you feel tears pour down your cheeks. Trying to find a happy place in your head, you couldn't hear Wes crying anymore and you'd just accepted the worst had happen to him. You were internally screaming for Johnny to save you.

As you were in your head a pressure was slammed in to you. His hands on each side of your hips as he thrusted in to you. He wasn't doing anything for you, his size was nothing of worth to compare to Johnny. So you couldn't even try to imagine it was Johnny if you'd wanted to.

"I...I'd thought this would... feel... better... ah who the hell cares? It's still nice and wet... c'mon... moan bitch...there's no hope fer ya... ya gone be babies soon nough."

He begins slamming in to you at a quick pace, the sound of skin smacking was present but you refused to moan. He pulled his belt up and cracked it across your ass harshly. You just jolt forward.

"Damn... the hells he do to ya huh? Most girls be screamin my name by now."

Again the belt coming down harshly against your skin.

"Shit... I... I'm getting-"




Dustin pulls out of you quickly cursing as he runs out the stall closing the door behind him. Not hearing the locks you think how foolish these dumbasses are. You're left standing shackled to the table shaking.

After minutes the door creaks open once more... stood there was...

I wonder who is in the doorway?

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