Chapter Nine

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Truth in Betrayal


You feel nothing but your stomach tying in knots, the rush of adrenaline having wore off completely. Shaking ever so slightly in Johnnys arms, you don't know how they were able to just kill like they do. Hell just how you were feeling now made you want to die.

" gets easier... when we get in here... we did nothing this mornin alright?" Johnny said looking down at you before proceeding through the door.

"The hell happened to er?" Drayton asked. "Why she got blood on er? Lookin like she'd just seen a ghost er somethin."

"She just offed that one boy down stairs." Johnny sat you down on the creaking sofa.

"Why the hell did they make er do that?"

"They didn't. She just... put em out his misery."

"Well ain't you just a bucket of surprises!" Verna said coming to sit next to you. "We have a proposition for ya. If it all goes right, you'll keep your life. If not well, I think ya already know what happens..."

Looking straight through her as well, she snaps her fingers before your eyes. Once you've made eye contact  she continues on.

"Ya wanna live don't ya girl? You'll have to get over the death, and stuff it'll come second nature to ya round here if ya here long enough that is..."

Slowly you nod, still only half listening.

"Johnny here is gonna test you out, but... Drayton will be there. Just to make sure there's no funny business goin on."

You see Johnny loosen up a bit, you could tell he was nervous about what they'd say. Before anyone could say much more Nubbins burst in the room.

"It ain't fair... I... I been waiting for y'all to let me have my own kids... Johnnys been home for a few months, and...and ya give 'em a functional breeder? I... don't even know what a woman feels like, and... I been doin right... waitin on yer approval."

You could see Johnny growing angry, his jaw tightening with every word coming from Nubbins mouth. The concern on Draytons face began to show signs of doubt now. You could tell he felt bad for Nubbins.

" weren't gonna wait..." you squeaked out, everyone turning to look at you.

"What was that hun?" Verna asked turning her head to hear better.

"You... you were gonna sleep with... Abbie. That's... how she... she got away... before Johnny... caught her." everyone's attention now shifting on to Nubbins.

"How'd yew... y'all's know ya can't trust er... she gone say anything to not ave to sleep with me." he crossed his arms tapping his foot against the hard wood floor.

"It was soon after Verna came down... bubba cut parts of Michelle off... then cut her stomach open... guts..." in saying all this your mind went back to what'd you'd just done.

"Well I'll be.. she knows all that Nubbins, and she wasn't even there..." Verna said grabbing your hand in hers. "Continue on sweetie."

"After... after Bubba and Verna left you came down, and took Abbie off the post... tellin her she could be a good breeder... she kicked you in the nuts. Before running off."

"That's why ya couldn't chase er and sent me to do it." Johnny said snarling his nose.

"I... I ain't done nuthin." Nubbins said.

"Boy I was just startin to feel bad for ya. Then ya go and lie, make stupid choices like that un? Johnny, YN is still only yours for now. Ya gonna have to test er soon. Can't be addin another mouth to feed that ain't family or benefiting us. I gotta run the station until I find a replacement, so it'll ave to be soon."

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now