Chapter Twenty-One

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Skeletons In Her Closet

Sissy had given you her room since she'd preferred sleeping on the couch in the living room anyways. You had to move a few things over to her room like Wes' crib, and baby stuff. You'd figured since dick head was leaving you'd just take his room when he'd fucked off to be with mommy. You snarl your nose, rolling your eyes. Feeling rather stupid thinking she'd be any sort of kind or a good soul... you crawled in to the bed, and cried yourself to sleep.

Having been up since the early morning hours with Wes, he'd woke up crying. His teeth had started cutting in, and it was killing to you see him hurt. Nubbins had been working on a teething necklace for Wes to chew on. You knew it'd more than likely be made of human bones but, from what you'd seen so far they were so smooth! Nubbins had done a fantastic job on the ones he'd completed thus far! Verna swore by them, said Bubbas daughter had used them before. Drayton had cooled a spoon for you to use on his gum. It seemed work just fine.

As you were sat at the kitchen table soothing his teething, you saw Johnny coming down the stairs. You cut your full attention back to Wes. Johnny continued on by you as if you never existed. It pissed you off more than if he'd just said anything, even after all he'd said last night. Something would of been better than making you disappear from his vision. Verna soon brought breakfast out to the table, and called everyone to the table. Realizing you'd be across from Johnny in this chair you got up from your chair as he went to sit in his. You caught a glimpse of him furrowing his brow at you out the corner of your eye. Taking Wes, you went and sat on the front porch.

Verna soon came out with a plate for you before sitting across from you. She patted your knee gently before clearing her throat. You make eye contact with her.

"I know it's not easy for ya YN... she had no right coming in my house last night. Especially having Drayton and I woke up like she did. She damn sure didn't have no right turning Johnny against you the way she did. That is just Nancy's thing though. That bitch is cunning, don't let what she said about him get to ya. She's got a many skeletons in that closet of hers....You ain't hear it from me ya understand?"

You half listening to still thinking about why, and how all this happened the way it did before nodding your head.

"... I know neither Wes or yourself family, but y'all are welcome to stay here long as you like."

"... you're not worried about me sayin or doin anything anymore?"

"Sweet girl if I was worried... you'd be killed as soon as Johnny leaves... I know ya life is through that little boy right there now. Ya doing something most women now wouldn't care to do. Ya a good one to fit in round here, besides Sissy loves ya like a sister. She's always wanted one. Don't make me regret my decision with ya. Y'all can have Johnny's room once he's out."

"Thank you Verna... for everything..." you say sitting Wes on your lap before eating.

Verna pats your back before leaving you there to eat.

Skeletons in her closet... you think to yourself.

You'd set off to walk in the fields, Wes in tow. He loved seeing you play peekaboo behind the large sunflowers. You enjoyed seeing him smile. As you were hiding behind the flower he put his arms out in front as if reaching, and got super excited.

"Boo!" you said coming from behind the flower.

His head shifted past yours, and was looking behind you. Johnny was stood there expressionless watching the two of you.

"Ya could say something instead of sneaking up on us like a weirdo y'know?"

He just continues to stand there, and lean against the fence. Resting his chin on his arm, watching.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now