Chapter Thirty-Two

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"...what do you want from me?"

"I think you know, you don't look as stupid as the rest em."

Your brow furrows.

"You're... one of the O'Connors aren't ya?...."

"See told ya you ain't as stupid as the rest of em. Now here's what's gonna happen next. We already nabbed the ol woman with ya, and that cute little kid too..."

"Let them go..."

"Now what's it I just said bout you not being stupid? Ya makin me second guess that, cause you know we can't do that... that boys gone pay..."

"He's a baby!"

"I wasn't talking bout him, but that bastard is being raised by the main reason you're in this situation... so I say he's fair game..."

"If you lay one-"

His blade against pokes your stomach.

"You'll what? Ya ain't in no position to fend for yaself let alone a kid and an ol woman..."

"He'll kill you... all of you..."

"I'd like to see em try... now here's what's gone happen..."


"See once ya pull that wool from over yer eyes ya know exactly what ya need to do for all ya."

You'd spent the better half of the hour concocting a diabolical plan to kidnap one of the boys out on patrol. That would forced them out of their safe grounds, and they'd have to act. The quicker this was over the better, RN didn't need all of this stress. It wouldn't be good for the baby.

"I just needa be sure it's the right thing to do ma-" you caught yourself after you had already let it escape your lips.

Looking at her with a look of mistake.

"Ain't no big deal. Ya ave spent the better half yer life callin me that." she says again running the pages amongst her fingers.

She sighs out as she walks to the creeks edge, looking at the old book.

"...y'know never in a million years did I ever think anything like this'ud appen Johnny. I... I spent so many years lyin ya that I... ya probably questioning yer entire existence..."

"At first I did. Now I got a family of my own, I gotta be there for them. What's happened to me done happened nothin gone change it. It's what I do from here on out."

"That's right. Which... which I why I don't think I'll be needin this anymore..." she says tearing the pages crumbling them up tossing them in to the slow flowing water.

Your brows furrow at her actions.

"...ain't nuthin but a book a lies, hurt, and pain anyways..."

You step beside her reaching over grabbing pages yourself shredding them in to the water. Once all that remained was a husk of book she threw it in the water also. Seeing a tear rolling down her face. You hadn't seen her cry since... since when George would hit her. Feeling saddened at the sight of the woman you've always known as a mother figure cry you pull her in to a hug. Her small frail frame disappearing in to your arms as she hugged you back.

"...why ya cryin?"

"Cause Johnny I... done lost the only thang I know how to love in this life..."

"Ma...I...I still love ya... you're all I know for a mother figure aside from Verna..."

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now