Chapter Twenty-Eight

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John had you out walking and talking damn near the entirety of his land. He showed you things from his past, occasionally would speak about your mother. He spoke fondly of her still to this day, she was certainly still at the center of his heart. How he spoke of her reminded you of your own feelings for RN. She was your everything now, and having stuck by you even with... well everything. She was just to be another pot of chili beans on Vernas stove, but you couldn't not after what happy with Maria. You didn't love Maria by any means but she was the first time you realized you weren't like the rest of them. Even with all the training, all the killings you'd done prior. You were still human inside, not some monster.

"...ya hear me?"

John snaps his fingers and whistles in your face.

"...yeah sorry. What'd ya say?"

"So what's it you got in to growing up? Football? Look like a football guy. Baseball even maybe?"

Possibly the look on your face or your silence answered his questions for you.

"...You didn't... did ya?"

"Didn't? Go to them schools? Nope."

"So the hell did ya do? She taught ya at least how to speak, you said you read that diary of hers so you can read." he sighed out.

"I can read, write, and talk just fine I think." you chuckled.

"Then what's it you did for hobbies then son?"

"Hunting. Took care of the house, yard needs. She..."

"You ever killed anyone like her?"

You stand there for a minute. A sense of dread building up within you, not knowing exactly how to answer his direct question. He again sighs out.

"Oh son, that's not at all what we'd of wanted for you. Had things been... normal you'd of been in school, playing ball, working on cars, and farmland. Like a respecting person. How many?"

Again you stand in silence knowing damn well that number was more than you cared to admit. You'd stopped counting at when you were seventeen.

"I... I don't know..." you say scratching your head.

"How long ya been-"

"A monster?"

"I didn't say that now did I? How old were you when it all started?"

"Me killin in general or the people?"

"What's the difference?"

"Well ya don't just dive head first in to hunting some of the smartest prey there is..."

At you saying this his eyes had become enlarged with a shock almost maybe even fear.

"... she started me with animals. Rabbits we'd eat. At first the were dead, I learned them inside and out. After awhile we'd catch them alive, and I'd make quick work out of them."

His face was still a whole lot of emotions.

When's the first time you killed a person?"

"... I was like twelve I think according to that book of hers when I killed George..."


"Her abusive husband as she called him. They were never married though. Guess she wanted some kind of male figure in my life. Bastard was a drunk. He'd beat the living shit outta both us. Sum bitch got slap wasted one night, and beat her so bad she couldn't see outta her eyes. I waited until he'd blacked out in that chair of his. I tied him down by his wrists, waist, and ankles to that seat."

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now