Chapter Six

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Just A Taste

Approaching the place you figured your vehicle to be you heard the distinct dinging of the door being left ajar or the key fob missing. You say still for a good while before approaching the vehicle. Mike was nowhere in sight, nor was the key fob, and quickly you noticed your luggage was missing, and only yours. Knowing you needed to arm yourself you knew Mike always carried a multi tool in the glovebox. And if any time felt like the right time to have something sharp, it was now. Slipping the tool between your fingers, you walked around to the driver side where you notice a droplet of red on the road at your shoe. It was pretty fresh. Your head shot up examining your surroundings again before beginning to follow the droplets across the road in to another field of sunflowers.

You could make out two sets of prints only because the tread was different between the two. Which brought a since of dread to your stomach. One because you could only guess what you'd be finding soon. Two because if it were that easy for you to see, Johnny would have no issues finding your tracks. Cursing yourself under your breath as you continued to follow the trail being sure to check your surroundings occasionally. You came to the end of the field which became a wooded area. Laid up against one of the trees you saw Mike. His jeans covered in blood, and dirt. Lifting his head you could clear as day see the laceration across his throat. Looking around him more you see he'd been cut open, and most the blood on the ground came from this wound. He was cold to the touch, pale, with no pulse. Holding back your urge to cry out loud sobbing. Looking in his pockets for the key fob it's not there either. Dread building in your stomach.

"I... I'm sorry Mike... I'll... I should have listened to you..." you whisper.

"There you are..." a man's voice came from behind you.

Spinning around you see Johnny, damn near out of breath. Feeling your sense of needing to defend yourself you clutched the multi tool between your fingers.

"Leave me alone, I want to leave..." was all you could think to say.

"Nope... not gonna happen darlin..." Johnny said having gained some composure.

"Where's the key? I want to leave!"

"I threw that thing off in to the woods somewhere. You're coming back with me..." he said in a demanding tone before beginning to approach you.

As he drew nearer you lunged at him, stabbing the multi tool blade in to his side. He tended up before grabbing your arm, and pulling it away from him. Still wielding the weapon you lunged again, this time striking his arm with a slash.

"Damn it woman... you sure you wanna do this..." he said before grabbing the blade from his belt.

Having seen what he was more than capable, and willing to do you opted to run in to the field of sunflowers. Once you thought you were a ways away you slowed to a crawl, and caught your breath. You heard as the sunflowers ahead of you rattled viciously. As soon as you thought you were in the clear a gloved hand covered your mouth. Attempting to bite through the material it was of no use, instead you struck the multi tool weapon behind you earning a hiss.

"Damn it woman I'm trying to help you. Now would ya quit with this prickly fuckin thing?" Johnny hissed before he peeled your hand from around the tool in his thigh.

Now again attempting to bite through the glove to gain some sense of control, Johnny quietly laughed behind you.

"Oh look at you. Had a taste of it, now you wanna eat it raw right off the body. Quit ya strugglin or I'll slice you up like I did your little boyfriend. I watched you follow that trail. Very good for a city girl. Even cuter when you'd stop, and look around for me. You gotta stay quiet if you haven't caught on Nubbins is out looking for you to. I'm tryin my damnedest to save you." Johnny pointed in the directions of the noises around you.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now