Chapter Fifteen

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Gas Station

Friday came fast, but you felt like a spring chicken being able to leave the house with Johnny. Laying there look at Johnny still asleep with his mouth slightly open. Sissy was right, keeping his sex drive on check made his sour attitude go away. He was a different man when he'd been laid. Not that you'd be able to tell him no, if he wanted you he was going to have you. He'd wake you up throughout the night occasionally twice a night just to get his rocks off. Once he was done he'd fall in to a deep sleep, holding you in his arms. You felt like his most prized possession. But you knew you had to be getting up, and dressed. Attempting to slide out of his hold to not wake him you felt him pull you back in to his chest, a smile on your face.

"Where you off to?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you.."

"You didn't I was awake."

"Johnny you were sleeping like a baby."

"Says who?" he smirks blowing a strand of hair out of his face.

You tuck the strand behind his ear, before brushing his face softly with the back of you hand.

"I love you... a bunches. We have to get up love, we're working the gas station the rest of the weekend, remember?"

"Ughh. I'm gettin up."

You again go to roll out and he stops you, gently kissing you.

"Did I say you could leave yet? I love you to." his deep morning voice shaking you to the core.

Having now worked through most of the weekend without any issues, you were certainly tired. Having to keep the station looking somewhat less as a murderers ploy, and more welcoming or unexpected victims. Nobody seemed to recognize you from the faded MISSING PERSONS poster of yourself literally right beside your head.

You were stood outside Monday after noon, the sun beaming directly on to your skin as you cleaned the windows. Johnny was around in the back, he trusted you more than the others trusted you. He didn't stand over your shoulder the whole time you were there working. He even complimented you on how you'd made the place look better, and like it was appreciated. You smiled thinking about his kind words.

Soon the reflection of a vehicle came in to view of you whilst facing the shop. Putting on your best smile, and tuning your accent just in case so nobody would think you weren't from these parts. Your heart skipped a beat, you... you recognized them. They're from your campus. The man was Mikes friend, Patrick. The girl with him was his girlfriend Alice. The both stepped out of the muscle car, she had flyers in her hands. You felt like deja vu was playing foul tricks on you. Soon they were both stood before you.

"Hey, can I help y'all?" you finally having mustered up the courage to speak.

The girl looks at you slightly turning her head, and squinting her eyes. She opens her mouth to speak, but the man starts talking. Internally you were grateful for him having shut her up. If she at all spoke about you from your past life you knew they'd have to die.

"Yeah actually you can, we're here to update our friends missing persons poster we put up a couple months back."

You nod with a smile opening the door for them.

Had it really been a that long already? Everything moved so fast at the house, you don't even know the date.

The girl yet again cut you a look before looking at the flyers in her hands, and back at you.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now