Chapter Twenty-Seven

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You all rode together in Drayton's truck. Verna driving, Johnny in the passenger seat, and you laid across the back seat. Johnny occasionally reaching back and grab hold of your thighs squeezing. You both would exchange smiles as you looked in to one another's eyes. He was telling the truth he was scared. It was plain as day obvious. You place your hand over his rubbing his hand. Beyond looking scared to death he was well dressed, one of Mikes old button up flannels over some of Andres old pants paired with a pair of Austin's. Johnny had even trying to wear them freely around the house but you demanded he not so he'd have some decent looking boots. There was nothing wrong with his 'work' boots aside from blood, and other stains on them.

You lean forward between the two seats as the truck slows, and turns. Starting down a driveway as long as the Sawyers at the end was a wood barred fence with the letter H center. You didn't expect John to have money money, but it would seem he did. As the truck came to a halt at the gateway a kid not older than fifteen came up to the gate. Sticking his head through to get a look.

"Y'all here for Mr. Hart?"

"We are! He should be expecting us."

"Well alright I'll let y'all in, don't try no funny business ya hear..."

You all chuckle among yourselves.

The kid lifts the gateway pulling it inwards so the truck can pass through. Following the gravel driveway a beautiful farm style house comes to view. A wrap around porch, three stories, everything was very well kept. As you all stepped out of the truck the front door opened. A tall, muscular, older man stepped out. Wearing a cowboy hat, a flannel shirt, tucked in to bootcut jeans, and cowboy boots. He spit some dip out before approaching where Verna and yourself were stood. Johnny was wrapping around the bed of the truck to come behind you two.

"Well I be... Verna Sawyer... ain't seen you in a hot minute!" he says extending a hand.

Verna shakes his hand firmly.

"John! It's been too long... see ya still got tha house!"

"Yeah... when ma finally passed away she left it to me in her will so... here she is still in all her glory. Travis ain't give y'all much trouble getting in did he?"

You shake your head no smiling.

"Ah my apologies Miss... names John Hart, I do believe we spoke on the phone."

Again extending his hand for you to shake.

You do so.

"That would be me! Names YN! I can't thank you enough for allowing us down!"

"Course! Don't get many guests down this way anymore... don't mind my askin how far long are ya?"

"Going on my fifth month... It's been... an adventure to say the least."

"Your first then I presume?"

"Yes sir!" you sigh rubbing your stomach.

"No need for the mannerisms. Johns fine! Safe to presume this gentleman is the father?"

You nod.

His eyes finally cut to Johnny who's been kicking rocks behind you since the conversation started. Johns brows furrowed, his head tilted before he caught himself staring at Johnny. Shaking his head, you stepped aside as John approached Johnny who stood still as deer in headlights. His face still looking at the rocks below him.

"Now... you look... familiar. Can't place a name to your face though son..."

Johnny almost buckled on the spot at hearing John say son let alone talking's to him. You could see him struggling. Stepping beside him, getting his attention.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now