Chapter Seven

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Just One Man

After he got dressed he threw your old bra off in to the field, and your still wearable clothes at you. Once you had your top and shorts on you put your socks and shoes back on standing in front of Johnny leaning on him for support. Your legs still wanting to give out from under you. Johnny still seeming to want more. He couldn't help out pinch your tank top together in the front exposing both your breasts and chuckling to himself. He was proud of what he'd done to you, and he knew he'd do it again eventually.

"Can ya walk?" his smile dashed across his face. You just stood looking at him before throwing a sharp jab on to his ribs. He jumped a bit at the hit. "Alright now keep them little boney jabs to yaself. I'll carry ya." he grabbed you by the legs throwing you over his shoulder. "I already grabbed ya stuff from this car. Had ya name on it so I assume it's yours. It's in the field a little ways ahead." he slapped your ass hard causing you to jump. "Ya hear me?"

"Yes...Thank you Johnny."

As you continued up a ways he began chuckling. "The hell were ya doin here?"  he hovered you over what he was speaking of. It was the tracks you'd tried to cover.

"Well I was trying to cover them so you couldn't follow me..."

"Yeah... ida seen that a mile out."

"Don't get too full of yourself now Johnny. You weren't exactly a fox when you killed Mike."

"Oh you saw that? Truthfully there was no need to hunt him, I just needed him gone."

"The tread of your boots is different to his shoes. Why did you need him gone?"

"Well looky there... you really are after my heart. We could track people together... I could use a good hunter by my side, so long as you don't have to die of course. Even better when I can take a break and screw your brains out." He let out a loud cackle. "Well he said you were his, so I couldn't have another man taking the woman I wants heart, so I took his." he sounded sincere in say that, if he just... if he wasn't what he was you knew he'd be the perfect guy. Though what if what he was made him this way? What if he would of just turned in to some generic jerk off of a guy like Mike, and many other men in your life?

"What makes you think I'd hunt someone down and kill them? And who says I'd let you in me again."

"You'll do what I say if you want to live..." Johnny came to a complete stop in a wide open field. "... I'll put ya down in this grass right now, and have ya screaming my name. Ya understand? Ya think I ain't seen how you been studying me since we met yesterday. You wanted me just as much as I wanted you. Now that I've tasted ya, I don't wanna lose ya, and the sex... feeling ya around me, so vulnerable for me, and ya listened to me so good. You think I ain't see you bite yaself just so ya didn't disobey me? If we weren't on a timer here I'd be back up in you right now. You're mine YN whether ya wanna be or not. Besides that ol boy back there, he ain't got the heart to love ya with anymore" He growled before continuing on.

Realizing just how predatory he was over you brought butterflies to your stomach. You'd never been the cliché die for me kinda girl, but hearing him be so territorial, it was making hating him hard. You'd felt you seen a whole different tier of him in the last few hours, than his family had in his whole life. Or was this just some sick mind game for him?

"I won't be if they kill me... and you won't have me anymore..." you sigh behind him.

You could tell it's something he to had been thinking about. As nasty as it was that he was a cannibal, murderer, and rapist he still cared for you to a degree.

"I won't let them YN..."

"You're one man Johnny... and I don't think they'd like you standing against them..."

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now