Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Mockingbirds were singing their little hearts out as Johnny and I sat in the fields. The sun had set, and the moon light was dancing over the water. The way it struck his face, showed only his best features enhanced. We'd talked about the night at the O'Conner farm, how he was feeling about Darby, and his thoughts about what happened with John. I was surprised by how much he had to say about it all. Johnny hated talking especially in long bouts but it's almost like he needed to. I was grateful to hear that Darby and him have been bonding. Even as a half sibling... Johnny was protective of that boy, and Darby certainly had proved himself to Johnny. He held him in high regard, and to hear him tell how Darby ran himself to exhaustion trying to help Wes... that warmed my heart.

"So what do you see becoming of us Johnny?"

"You and I?"

I nod, as I played with his hair.

"Well I'm marrying you. And yes it'll be with some dead girls ring but... she don't need it no more..." he chuckled.

"Well I already knew and assumed that much.... Where do you see us in five years from now?"

"Hmmm... maybe another youngin or two running about...maybe in I don't know... our own place?"

"Okay I'd be okay with one more child... can't have too many or everyone's rations gonna be smaller and smaller...You would need everyone to help you with that kind of project! A house? Our own house?"

"You know I'd give y'all any food that would be mine..."

"You have to eat to stay strong love..."

"I'd be alright so long as y'all were. As far as a house goes... cmon..." I'm saying that Johnny jumped to his feet throwing me over his shoulder.

"Where are we off to?"

"You'll see."

We cut down a dirt path that dipped in to the woods a bit. As we came to an opening in the trees Johnny sat me down, covered my eyes, and let out a heavy breath.

"Wha- what is it Johnny..."

"Are you ready to see it or should I be done?"

"No I want to see it now!"

His hands released from over my eyes, and as I opened them a beautiful log home was there. A wrap around porch... metal roofing...

"It's.... It's beautiful... how... when...."

"Drayton and nubbins were helping me for a long while kinda slowed down a good bit with... well with everything that's happened. I just gotta get the electricity running to er... and she's good to go. Now I will need to prey proof the place. Nothing too dangerous... probably just some noise traps. Just in case... hell you've seen it first hand these folks just wander up here like nobody's business."

I nod not really listening to him I was still mesmerized by the beautiful home in front of me.

"I am so ready to move our little fam-" as I'm fixing to end my sentence a scream comes from towards the house.

"The kids!" I shout and I'm about to take off running, but Johnny stops me.

"That wasn't one of us... calm down... just some damned kids again probably... here you get back to the house... and you know the hidden room where yall are supposed to go... get in there with Verna and the kids... I'll get this sorted."

I make sure to watch my steps as I have to take another route back to the house. As I'm stepping in to the clearing I see two people hiding in a set of bushes beside the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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