Chapter Fourteen

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Family Dinner

It was an awkward silence as you all sat waiting on grandpa. The table was already set, just missing the main course. The wooden table creaking ever so slightly with each shift of someone's weight. Sissy was adjusting his suit according to Nubbins, you thought the idea of Sissy dressing their grandpa was adorable. He's one of the only members you hadn't met. Keeping in mind that Johnny told you to mind your manners, he'd told you the same with bubba. So you just expected another man wearing someone else's skin. Strange how you'd become so complacent with all this around you. Never in your life had you of imagined this, to be your new life. Seated at a table with a family of cannibals that took part in incest relations. You start looking between those around you. Johnny sat across from you... didn't look like he resembled many of the other members features. At most Nubbins and he had similar hair, but that was the extent. Having caught you staring at him he shifted in his seat smirking. That devilish smirk. It was... dangerous, and he knew it. He could control you with his eyes alone. Feeling your face become flush, you bashfully turn away from him.

The sound of wheels rolling across the old wooden floors of the house filled the room. Readjusting yourself in your seat to not look completely out of place. The family stands, and you follow suite. Sissy wheels in a... well basically a living corpse. You could see his chest, and eyes moving. But his skin gave off that of someone wilting away. You make sure to smile as to not seem rude, and hopefully hide any emotions you'd of had prior.

Thankfully, Verna entered the room setting a set rack of rips on the center of the table. The others began to sit, but Johnny walked over to your side of the table. Thanking you by the wrist, essentially dragging you to his grandpas side.

"Hey Grandpa, I want you to meet someone. She's going to give ya more grandchildren, and help us keep the business goin'." he said squatting down.

You also squat sitting on his knee. His grandpa makes some inaudible noises before Johnny speaks again.

"...I know I think I done good with this one. Shes killed before, so she'll get use to it grandpa. She used the ol mattock down in Juniors basement."

More noises leave the man.

"Ain't nothin to worry about with her, I'd she steps outta line I'll end her myself..."

Hearing Johnny return to himself prior to you made you shiver. He did scare you, even if he was hot while mad. You knew what he was capable of, and he'd already tried to give you a pass. So you knew that he'd have to be the one to kill you off.

"...I wouldn't do anything ignorant. I know... I know my place here. Give Johnny children, help round the house."

The old man tapped his chair, Johnny grabs your hand placing it up on the chair. He grabs your hand. His touch rough and scaly almost. Lightly squeezing your hand, he makes more noises. Johnny just takes in whatever it is he's hearing because you damn sure don't hear anything. Looking at you, brushing your hair out of the way before you see his blade come in to your view. Not wanting to show any signs or worry you gently squeeze his grandpas hand, and smile. You feel a stinging sensation just below your jawline on the right. Johnny grabs the cup from in front of you, pressing it under your bleeding wound. His thumb rubbing your cheek. After a few minutes he holds the cup of your blood to his grandpas lips, the older man drinks your blood. His hand now tapping your hand as to say it's okay. Once he's swallowed your blood, more noises leave him before Johnny stands you up smiling. You probably look super confused, but Johnny spins you to face him, and in front of everyone kisses you deeply. Pulling you in to him. Once the kiss ends her cackles manically, as if victorious.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now