Chapter Two

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Taking Chances

Your hair moved freely across your shoulder with the slight breeze as Mike and yourself walked down the road. You'd wished you had worn more comfortable shoes, but you'd never intended on walking this long. You could feel your feet growing so you'd slowed your pace significantly. Mike had taken notice to the lack of your footsteps following close behind him as he turned around to see where you'd gone.

"C'mon YN, we have got at least another hours walk before we get to the gas station."

"Don't remind me..."

"Well I do distinctly remember telling you those shoes were not worth buying. Just because they're 'in' doesn't mean you should by them." Mike huffed rolling his eyes.

"You don't have to be such a dick Mike. I didn't intend on walking all over tim buck fucking two either. If someone didn't hit nails in the middle of the road..."

"Don't you finish that sentence if you're going the route I think you are."

"Well see you don't appreciate your decisions being put on blast either now do you?"

"I didn't hit the fucking nails on purpose, I'm telling you I didn't see nothing in the road."

"I'm not saying you did hit them on purpose Mike, can we just... drop it?"

"No. You wanted to throw accusations around so if you have something to say, say it. Don't tip toe around it, just say it!" he'd come to a complete stop in front of you, clenching his fists, and huffs of air leaving his nose with each flare.

Mikes temper has always been short, he'd never laid a hand on you but his temper did scare you. He'd thrown things in your direction before even punched the wall beside your head. Your your friends even wanted you to tend things with him because of his issues. His temper, and jealousy were his biggest flaws. You knew you weren't perfect, but you never made it a point to bring him down when he felt his highest. He never seemed to return the favour though.

With a sigh you threw your hands up in submission, "Fine, you're right I think had you been paying more attention this wouldn't of happened. It however did happen so now we're here, and I'd like for us to continue on so we can get help for our friends back in the car. The sun looks to be setting in a few hours anyways. So can we please continue on?"

"See was that so hard? If Andre, and yourself hadn't distracted me I may have seen them rather than hitting them." he began walking again, and you opted to ignore his accusations of you being at fault.


"Shit." you muttered.

"What?" Mike shouted continuing to walk.

"Mike, wait. Do you remember what Andre was saying before the nail thing?"

"Nah I just remember you jumping out of your skin." he said coming to a stop, turning toward you.

"How'd the gas station clerk know the truck took them down to the sunflower fields?"

Mikes face grew concerned catching on to what you were getting at.

"Mike we passed a few roads since leaving the gas station. They could of turned off on any of those roads, but he insisted they made it to or past the sunflower fields."

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now