Chapter Sixteen

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Sheriffs Suggestion

The door bell made a jingle as the flew open. In stepped a man in plain clothes, a sheriffs star on his chest. His hat also dawning a sheriff's badge. Spitting dip outside behind him as he entered.

"Sheriff." Johnny says leaning against the counter.

"Well...well... well... I see they let their best out the house today."

"What's it you needing or wanting Clarke?"

"That's Sheriff Clarke to you boy. What you doing with this pretty little thang?" his eyes essentially undressing you. Johnny took notice.

"Not what you're thinking. She's mine."

"Well I never said I'd take yer food from ya, maybe just a little test drive before she expires is all..."

Johnny slams his hands on the counter top.


The sheriffs hand resting on his holstered gun. You knew Johnny was strong, and could handle his own, but he's not bullet proof. You gently rub his forearm stepping in front of him.

"Mind watchin your manners Sheriff? And keep it down about the business would ya? Be a shame if we lost dinner because of your obscenest blabbering."

His eyebrows raise as his head tilts slightly. Looking between Johnny and yourself.

"I'm impressed Johnny boy. You actually did it, you crazy som bitch... you convinced one them city girls to fall for ya. Now she's out here running with the business as if born in it."

"Hey you're speaking to me now. Keep it that way. What's it you're needing Sheriff?"

"Well excuse me miss.."

You give him your fake name.

"Well miss YFN... about your family business. There's gonna be a rush of city folk comin down this way next month. As you would know Johnny... that means some of em may end up trying to move on down this a way. So I'd suggest maybe pick up the pace... keep the missing persons cases comin in. No city slicker gonna wanna live somewhere they ain't feeling safe."

"Consider it done." Johnny said having calmed down.

"Johnny... still no word on er; just so you know... I ain't forgot."

You turn to look at Johnny who's jaws are clenched nodding slowly.

"Well I'd best be goin, nice meeting ya miss YFN... Johnny send the folks my best would ya." he tips his hat as he walks out.

"No word on who Johnny?" your brows furrowed.

He spins on his heel, and heads for the back a sigh leaving his body.


"I... just give me some space YN."

He turned so cold so quick. Like he was sad. It worried you because you didn't want him to be sad. You'd rather him be pissed because that's an emotion he knew how to control. It was an emotion you knew how to help him with. Sadness? You never knew Johnny could be sad.

"...okay I'll be here if you need to or wanna talk bout it Johnny, I... I love you!" you squeak.

He stops at the back door, turning his head to face you nodding. Forcing a smile.

"I love you too. Don't worry bout me I'll be alright."

Opening and closing the door behind him he was out of view now. You feel so helpless to him.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now