Chapter Seventeen

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For Him

"...Sean...Sean baby...please Sean wake up..." you hear whispers as you begin to open your eyes.

Hung from the ceiling like you once were was the two love birds. Sean still out of it, definitely still alive though. Macy sniffling as she tried kicking at him. As much as you didn't want to accept it, you still felt bad for them. Wrong place, wrong time. You could easily be in her shoes trying to wake... Johnny... not Mike... how did Johnny do that so effortlessly. You were wrapped around his finger so tightly. A tear forming in your eye at the thought of what you'd be doing if that were you two there.

"What you crying for darlin?"

Like that Johnny was crouched in front of you, pulling his glove from his hand. You feel his thumb wipe away your tear, a caring smile on his face.

"...I was just thinking... what if that... that was us up there..."

"Pssht... I'd die before I let anyone string us up let alone you."

"...but if you died..."

"If I give my life for you... you'd best get the hell out sunshine..."

"...but I don't wanna do life without you Johnny..."

"You were doing just fine without me before ya knew me."

"Yeah that was before I knew you babe. I know I'm safe with you..."

He softly presses his lips to yours, his hand caressing your face.

"Can you freaks tell me what the hell is going on? What the hell do you want with us? Let us go!"

Johnny pulls away from you before whispering.

"You may wanna go upstairs, I need to handle them."

"What if they get loose and attack you? You don't need to be down here by-"

The look on his face telling you to just go.

"...okay, I'll go Verna in the kitchen."

The door slides open before you can open it. Bubba steps in with his chainsaw in hand. He's new face covered in makeup. He was happy today!

"Hey Bubba, coming down to play with Johnny? Y'all have fun, be safe!" you smile patting his back before walking out the door, he closes it for you before locking it.


Rolling your neck, getting yourself hyped up. The adrenaline from your emotional outburst just hours prior had faded. You were in a more level headspace, well as level as a murderous cannibal could be. Sliding your glove back over your hand, running your blade through your palms. A devilish smile showing itself on your face. With a deep breath you cut your eyes to bubba who's already looking at your victims.

"Ya ready big boy?"

(Excited Noises) leaving Bubbas mouth.

You chuckle before also turning to meet the glare of this Macy bitch.

"Well I don't want anything from ya. Big boy here... well that's up to him if you have something he wants. And no you ain't goin nowhere!"

The terror becomes more evident as the two of you approach her.

"What's with the mask?"

"Mask? That's his face well... it's his now... ain't that right Junior?"

(More excited noises)

"See... he's happy... say Bubba do you want another one? Either of em got a mask you want?" a dark chuckle filling the room.

"Wha... what do..."

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now