Chapter Thirty-Seven

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You fell to your knees when you heard the gun shot go off. Everyone seemed to start moving in slow motion, Daren's body was falling to the ground. John was scurrying backwards on his ass attempting to get away from Johnny. You turn to see the pregnant woman who'd just shot Daren as bewildered as you. Her eyes seemed to be following Johnnys movements.

Johnny finally makes his way directly over John before they begin to fight. John is giving licks back as good as Johnny is delivering them. You watch as John grabs a handful of dirt and throw it in Johnnys face. Of course Johnny falls back trying to regain his vision, but he's... laughing....

"I'll give it to ya old man... you puttin up a good final fight... but they all tend to when they know what's at stake." Johnny cackles out before wielding his blade.

You catch a glimpse of John looking at the revolver Daren had.

If I'm quick...

You lunge for it at the same time he does. Both your hands rest on it but you've the better grip and the barrels away from you.

"Damn it boy... give me the gun... I'm... I'm your father.. damn ya!" John says pulling but you pull back.

Johnny kicks Johns left knee inwards causing him to fall back on his ass screaming.

"Damn... you say you played sports in that school of yours? Yet there you are taking your eye off your target..."

As Johnnys talking you take full control of the revolver. Johnny only shuts up after you cock the hammer of the gun.

"Johnny..." the woman says.

"I know... I see em YN... Look... Darby I.. I ain't got the first intentions on..."

"Then don't come any closer..."


You watch as Darby holds the revolver in Johnnys direction. Johnny stops approaching him as he'd told him. You keep your attention on John as well, just to be sure.

"Here... if it'll make you feel better..." Johnny tosses his blade in your direction.

"...see unarmed.. I ain't gonna hurt you kid.. not unless you do something irrational first...ya done right by me and mine... even... even after everything I done to you... and yours..."

"Qu... quit listening to em... damn it... damn... damn it Darby... shoot em..." John speaks up saying holding at his leg.

"Shut your fucking mouth. Before I shut it for you..." Johnny returns.

"Look kid... I know what I told ya at Ma... Nancy's house... when the while we could be related shit came up yeah?"

"Yeah I'm dea-"

"Only if you hurt the ones I love... and you haven't done that... if anything you've done the opposite. For all I care kid I get me and mine. We leave with John in tow here.. and you can do as you please. Rebuild this place, move away grow your own family... you... you have my word I won't look for ya if you leave everything here tonight. Here. End all be all..."

Just before anyone could say anything else a very loud pop followed by a bright flame comes over the hill. Screams follow as two shades of... women? Come running out lit ablaze. Everyone's looking...

"My... my... ho...home..." you hear Darby say with eyes wide and mouth agape.


Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now