Chapter Thirty-Eight

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It'd been a few months since the O'Connors incident. The aftermath of it all was surreal almost. Things were, different at the house, Drayton had stepped down from being the patriarch of the family. The whole incident had made him come to terms he's not in peak condition to be doing the most. I was surprised when Nubbins didn't protest Johnny taking the role in the household. He seemed receptive of it, and was helpful when it came to Johnny needing it.

The killings were still occurring. Posters of new teens, and young adults were being strung up over my friends and my own posters. It's... it's like they'd given up looking.  Which admittedly hurt, but could I blame them? They had their own lives to get back to, and it would be greedy to hold that against them when I myself have moved on. Wes was always following Johnnys heels everywhere he went if Johnny would allow it. When Johnny would tell him no, he'd throw a fit. Which rarely would occur, Johnny knew I had my hands full with our baby boy Jackson. I didn't need to see any baby pictures of Johnny to know, this boy will be the spitting image of his dad. He was the perfect baby, as perfect as a baby boy could be. He slept like a rock, and Wes loved being around Jackson. They'd be two peas in a pod for certain. A deadly duo if you would.

Johnny when he would be alone... he'd go to his quiet place. And it unfortunately was no longer the sunflower fields. Their times had came and went. Instead he had another place he'd go. He'd taken me there once, since he'd added a new piece to its collection.

Johnnys POV

Sitting on the rock, a foul rotten aroma fumigated the air. Flies swarming. Other critters in the woods cracking leaves, and shifting branches. Just sharpening my blade before looking up to the source of the smell. John. After the first week of Beth and himself being down in the basement. Big boy got a bit too excited while with Beth... and took the chainsaw to her. Which either way hadn't made no difference to me. John had to see it. Watch the "love of his life" his sister be raped and slaughtered in front of him. So as far as I was concerned his time alive was nearing its end. I strung him up out here gagged, and tried my new signature cut. It wasn't the cleanest as it was in those books I'd found in one of the cars of someone we'd killed years ago back, but... I ain't using surgery grade equipment now am I? He was a live as I cut the Y across his chest, and peeled his skin back. He was alive when my hand held his heart after I worked it past his organs. I'd planned to squeeze it and watch him die then and there... but. I couldn't stop thinking of how he set RN, my unborn child, my son, and Verna up. I couldn't erase the thought of RN being raped by those animals. And it was because of him. I'd left him there, opened up. Unable to move. Unable to scream. For a couple days. He died over the course of one of the nights. Birds, critters, and who knows what had been running through him. I still only come out here to remind myself it's not always what it seems. Having any bond with him, was too good to be true. All I can do now is be ten times the father to my boys than he ever would have been.

I'd been spending time with Darby. He's been helping me finish the house Drayton and I had started. Kids more like me than he'd care to admit. Just more on the frail side, and definitely talks a ton more. Which I... I didn't think I'd be alright with at first, but I didn't think I'd like having a brother either. And yet there I was some days self admittedly happy to see the little shit. I'm contemplating having him move in with us. Wouldn't hurt to have another able bodied man around here. And I know Nancy wants her personal space back. I just know he's gonna bring that damned cat of his... so long as it stays in the house. It'll be safe from Nubbins traps. Besides, he already made Wes fall for that little furball.

Now standing in front of the house that's almost done. Just needs the finishing touches and I- I can feel myself feel... happy. I'm ... eager to start this life with RN... and our boys. We need this. This space to ourselves. Our own little escape from the craziness at the farm. I'll have this place rigged up tight so RN can feel somewhat normal again. Keep the perimeter safe, and then go from there. I'll still fulfill my work at the farm, and the gas station. That's on me now. And these damned kids... they ain't slowing down any time soon. Speaking of which, I need to head back, RN probably would appreciate a break.

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