Chapter Three

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Home Sweet Home

As you got comfortable in the passengers seat Drayton started the diesel engine up again, and sent the truck in to motion. You take in key things about him. He has a large wedding band on his left hands ring finger.

"So you're married?" you chirp up and say.

"Assessing me are ya?" he chuckled. "Yes I am. Have been for forty six years. Got a few kids. A few more siblings than I'd like to admit." he again chuckled at his own answers.

"My name is YN. I apologize about all of that back there." you state extending a hand to which he shakes whilst driving one handed. "So forty six years huh? I could only imagine having a relationship that long. Especially nowadays. People are less in it for the long run."

"Pleasure to meet you YN, don't worry bout it I've seen boys act like that. They'll either grow out of it or stay that way all their miserable lives. Ah you'll find you one."

"Yeah I do love Mike, I just... he's... he just..."

"Ya ain't gotta explain yaself to me. I remember being y'all's age. Hey if it don't work out with em, you can take one of my boys off my hands for me. Which ever one you'd want. Though I believe I know which un you'd pick, he's every ladies favourite. Don't worry though he doesn't get round like that, his ma raised em right." He winked, and chuckled as the truck began to slow turning in to the convenient store parking lot you'd just left earlier. "Ya need anything? Want anything?" He asked getting out of the truck. You shake your head no before looking out the window. The same old man as before was still working the register. Undoing your seatbelt you follow Drayton inside, but immediately head for the counter.

"Say.. you's that girl from earlier with the others."

"Yup. That's me." you say before leaning over the countertop.

"Now what you doing with ol Drayton over there?"

"Our car broke down just as the sun followers came over the horizon. Now you mentioned earlier they went past the sunflowers in that truck. How'd you know that?"

The clerk looked back and fourth between Drayton direction, and your own. Before responding as if he'd not said a single thing about any of it to you earlier. Drayton slammed down some drinks, and a bag of jerky looking at the clerk. The old kook seemed to be on eggshells.

"You heard the lady Rodge, make sure to get me my chew. Now how'd you know them folk she's looking for made it past the sunflowers?"

"I... I... well that's what I'd heard when they came back in..." the clerk answered nervously placing some tobacco on the counter.

"Came back in?" you asked.

"Well... well yeah the fellers driving that truck your friends had gotten in to."

"What'd they look like?" you again ask. Drayton did as well pressuring the clerk to respond.

"Well one.. one of em he uh he'd uhm blonde... yeah blonde hair, and the other one had um he had no hair yeah."

"So a blonde and a bald guy picked my friends up?"

The clerk just nodded eagerly looking at Drayton the entire time.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now