Chapter Ten

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When you come to you're arms feel nonexistent. You see them they're there but you're also suspended from the ceiling in the basement. The smell of blood running thick through the air, metal occasionally clanking against each other, and the echo of the family above.

How long had you been there?

Why'd Johnny bring you back here?

Looking at your arm you're bandaged, same with your leg though you can see the blood had penetrated the wrapping.

"Well look at chu yer finally awake!" a giggle came from the doorway.


"The one and only!" she said coming in to view.

"..why... why am I here?"

"Well Johnny came back tied ya up, done his thang, and threw ya up there a about a week ago... ya been in and out..."

"Done his thing?..."

"Yup! Ya were really out of it huh? He was rough with ya... could hear it downstairs. Ya'd come in to ya senses from time ta time cryin for em to stop."

Hearing how she was speaking on him raping you made you sick. Not only that, but you started to remember parts of the encounter, and soon you felt your core aching. Did he...

"Did he?"

"Oh yeah he bred ya. Paps was there for ya first time..."

"First time?"

"Yup, I'd say he gotcha a few times that night. Truthfully he was a different man after that, been in a good mood since..."

The thought of him having finished in you made your stomach knot. You thankfully had one more ace up your sleeve. You had just recently taken your monthly birth control pill, so you still had a chance to not have to conceive his child, at least this time.

"Can... can ya get him? I need to talk to him..."

"Oh sweetie, he said he don't wanna see ya... he'll breed ya, and that's all he wants to do with ya. Ya done went and broke his heart, and we didn't even know Johnny to have one. I tried tellin ya the first day he saw ya at the table he wanted ya to be his. And what'd ya go and do, hit em over the head with a rock?" she giggled. "Don't ya worry I'll bring ya some food down later." she slipped out the door locking it behind her.

You'd been in the basement for two long weeks, thankfully Nubbins, and Drayton had eventually taken you off the ceiling. Relocating you in a room with a bed, bucket, and a sink to wash off with. Admittedly it was better than staying suspended, you could not soil yourself anymore. You could even freshen up, sissy had brought your belongings down, and you did notice somethings were missing, but nothing of importance. Since that point Sissy was the only one coming down to having anything to do with you. Johnny hadn't even come around you, not for sex, not to check on you...nothing... maybe you did hurt him? You'd hear his laugh above you, hear him yelling outside. It made butterflies flutter in your stomach hearing his voice.

One night you heard his boots running around upstairs followed by mumbling, and then him shouting.

"Alright now, it's not nice to come in to someones house uninvited. Why don't y'all come on out? We can get this all squared away." when nobody you guess responded he continued on. "Welp I tried, so I guess y'all can have it yer way... nobody escapes me..." you heard the floor creek above you as the door to your room swung open.

A man I'm his early twenties, and a woman near the same age both panting heavily. You press yourself against the furthest from them wall. As the turn around you must of scared them because they jumped away from you, the woman hiding behind the man.

Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now