Chapter Eighteen

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His Name Is

The town store was a quaint little brick store on the side of the road. Not much larger than the gas station you started working at with Johnny. It was very well maintained for local standards. Carrying brands you'd of never expected it to. Johnny was behind you kicking his boots around looking at his boots. You're reading each brand carefully to see which you'd agreed with the most. Not wanting to cause any harm to the little boy.

"My ma fed me this one..." Johnny quickly pointed at on you hadn't yet read.

"I wish she was here to help us... some insight on all this would be great..."

Johnny shrugs and nods before going back to dragging his boots around. A loud squeak coming from them waking the baby. You cut Johnny a look, and he makes an apologetic look before scurrying off. You roll your eyes and sigh, maybe you'd bit off more than you could chew with this. You just refused to let them eat this baby boy. Just grabbing the brand Johnny had pointed out to you. Hurrying to catch up to him he was chatting up the cashier. A much older woman, with grey hair in her face.

"Johnny I didn't know you were expecting! Look at you Miss..."

You give her your fake name, before pressing a smile across you face.

"We'll Miss YFN you look great to of just had a baby! Not that I'm surprised they keep y'all healthy up there don't they? All that fresh meat y'all take in!"

Did everyone in this town know what the family was doing up there? Was absolutely everyone in on it?

"Thank you... it's been a journey..." you say patting the baby gently.

"Ain't able to produce huh? I had the same issue with my only son. Felt like a failure. Don't let anyone tell ya you're doing the wrong thing ever by your little one! What's their name?"

You stand there frozen for a moment, clenching your jaw.

"His name is Wes!" you say smiling, before leaning on to Johnny's arm.

"Wes? That's a lovely name! How the introduction to fatherhood been going for ya Johnny?"

"Oh uh just not looking forward to any more restless nights." he nervously chuckled running his hand through his hair.

"Well you'll have that to get use to. I'll tell ya what this one's on the house, new parents need a break to!"

You both thank her for her kindness before getting back in the truck. You catch Johnny look at you as he back the truck up.


"Wes? Where'd you pull that one from?"

"I don't know it just came to my mind, why? You don't like it?"

" I never said that. I was just curious is all. Wes Slaughter, has a nice ring to it. Yanno... you do look pretty cute holding him."

"Slaughter? So that's your last name? I thought the same thing when I saw you holding him... don't tell me..."

"Yeah, did I never tell ya? No, but now that I know what you look like with one in your arms. You're only gonna look hotter when you're carrying our babies..."


He chuckles grabbing hold of your thigh.

"Can we talk about what happened yesterday?" you ask in a more serious tone.


"What the sheriff said... your entire mood changed afterwards..."

His expression changed at the mention of interaction with the sheriff. A huff leaving his lips as he looked away from you has if to avoid the conversation.

"Johnny I just don't want any surprises coming out of left field down the road, and I want to make sure you're okay. I'm not trying to pry, I just... are you okay?"

His nose flared at what you'd just said as if in his own head combating himself.

"I...can we..."

"Is it your... your mom... Nancy?"

His hands gripped the steering wheel as his mouth began to tremble. He just quickly nodded, as tears came from his eyes.

"Oh Johnny I'm sorry I didn't..."

He begins shaking his head no rapidly.

" I said we'd talk about it.... She... left me with Drayton and em. Said she didn't want me to get hurt. I... I'm grown. I can't protect her... I can protect you... Wes... and our family when we have one... I... she didn't have to leave me... I'm useless... a hindrance to er..."

You reach over wiping his tears from the right sid did his face away.

"Oh Johnny... she just cares about you is all! You're her baby boy after all! She just doesn't want you to get hurt... even though Wes isn't mine, I don't want any harm to come to him. I could only imagine how she feels to be overly protective you since your her baby! I know you're capable of protecting us all! You're the best there is baby! Don't be so hard on yourself! I'm sure she'll be alright. She raised you right?"

He slowly nods listening to your every word.

"Well she taught you everything you know, I'm sure she kept some secrets to give her the upper hand! She sounds like a smart woman..."

"She is... she's the best woman..."

"Well see you know she's more than capable on her own to!"

"I know I just... I wanna help her... she ain't gettin no younger... but you're right. She can handle her own."  he cleared his stuffy nose, before looking at you with a reassuring smile.

The first weekend of working while raising Wes was an odd one. You felt like you were forgetting something the entire time. Bringing him to work with you was out of the question, if anyone like Patrick and them came by seeing you with a newborn baby would be suspicious. Trusting Verna with him was hard giving her stance on him just five days prior. Your worries went away after the first Friday when everything went fine. She was just glad you were back home to take over so she could rest. Having worked hours on end with Johnny it was a struggle on who would rest, and who would watch him. Johnny insisted he could stay up with him whilst you rested. He was use to staying up at odd hours when it was his turn to watch the yard. It was a relief to see how giving Johnny was, this wasn't even his blood, and he was so caring with Wes. You could only imagine what he'd be like with his own children, you smile kissing his cheek before going to lay down.

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Red Sunflowers in Texas (Johnny Slaughter {Sawyer} x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now